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"My I help you?"
I asked making sure the sass was clear in my voice.
"The names James, are you new?"
"No. I'm not new. I've gone to school with you since grade 3, what do you want?"
"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"
Now he's flirting with me!?!? The HOTTEST guy in Whitmore is flirting with ME!?!? Keep it cool Alison, you got this. Fake it till you make it. I brushed my hair out of my face before I answered him.
"No. It didn't hurt when I fell from heaven because I climbed up from hell."
"Ooohhhh so that's why your so hot!"
I could feel my checks getting hotter and I knew I'd have to leave before I did anything embarrassing. Taking a sip from my coffee, I thought about what I was going to say next.
"You never answered my question."
"What was your question again sweetheart?"
Sweetheart?! I could feel my brain cells melting away every second.
"I asked, may I help you?"
"Can I borrow your phone?"
"What for?"
I asked being sceptical.
He started to pout. Oh god, my heart is melting.
I handed my phone to him. And watched while he put his number into it.
"Now I can text you sweetheart."
He said as he handed my phone back.
Before I got the chance to say anything the bell rang and I was late. I locked my locker before I scrambled to class. I heard something fall on the floor but I was thinking about my attendance more then picking it up.
"Hey! You dropped your-"
Was all I heard before I was in the classroom luckily my teacher was later then I was so she wouldn't know that I was late. I took my seat and got out my books. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and dared to take it out hoping that the teacher wouldn't walk in while I was looking at my phone, I don't want Mrs. Gregior taking it away. I turned it on to see a text from James.
James- Hey sweetheart, you dropped your headphones.
Alison- Aw shit, I'll get them from you at lunch.
James- Okay. Have fun in class.
Alison- You too.
Just as the teacher walked in I put my phone away and was ready to learn


At lunch I texted James and told him to meet me outside the cafeteria.
James- I'll be right there sweetheart.
Oh dear lord I can't wait for today to be over so I never have to deal with James again.
A few minutes later I saw him making his way to the cafeteria.
"Headphones please."
I said bluntly.
" What do I get out of this? I not only picked up your headphones but I brought them to you. You don't think I'm doing this out of the goodness of my heart, do you sweetheart?"
We I hoped he was, now he's saying I owe him? Like fuck off James!
"They're just headphones, it's not a big deal, just give them back please."
"If they're 'just headphones' why don't I just keep them?"
"Fine, what do I have to do?"
"Go on a date with me."
Again another cliffhanger, please don't murder me. I have big plans for these two.
Let me know what you think in the comments please
Goodnight lovelies 💕

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