Life got better.

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Three years ago on this day, June 29th is when it happened. When he died. I was 13 when it happened, and I remember the whole thing. It was raining, him and I were inside watching TV after dinner, like always. That's when someone knocked on the door. He knew exactly who it was, almost like he was expecting them.

"Go hide, call 911 and remember, I will always love you." he said, before pushing me up the stairs.

I did what he told me too even though I didn't want to leave him. I went up stairs grabbed the phone and hid in my room in the closet under a stack of blankets I had piled in there. That's when I heard some yelling from a voice that I didn't even know. And then a gun shot. It was quiet after that. All you could hear was walking around, but then you heard our squeaky front door shut. I didn't move, I stayed in the same place, numb. Not to long after the door shut, there was a loud banging on the door. Then someone screaming,

"This is the police, open the door!" it was so loud I covered my ears.

I still didn't move, though. I felt like I was glued to my spot. After like 2 minutes I heard a big bang. They kicked the door in, I couldn't care any less. I heard a man say to some other guys

"Go check around, I will take care of him." in a demanding voice.

In about one minute some tall guy with dark brown hair and blue eyes came and found me, he then asked me a few questions and then dragged me out of the closet.

"No! I don't want to leave! Let me go!" I said, screaming so loud that 2 other people came in. One was a short woman with blonde hair that was up in a pony tail and she had hazel eyes. The other was a man, he was tall and had black hair with Green eyes. They all looked fit so I stopped punching and kicking knowing that I wouldn't win no matter what.

They dragged me down the stairs, and that's when I saw him, lying there. His eyes were open and he was pale. The blood stained the carpet. I realized I was crying when I went to move my hair out of my face and felt wetness. Why would anyone do this to him. The only family member I had left was gone for good. He warned me, said someday some people may come for us. He told me to run and get out of it well I could. But I did't want to leave my dad. He had always been there for me and I didn't want to let that go. But where was I for him. Why didn't I try to protect him like he did for me? Why, I was 13. It would be no freaking use.

Now I hang out with the pot heads. I frankly, I am one too. I smoke everything from weed to just ciggerettes. Anything to take away the pain. Everybody at my foster home hates me. Well my foster parents do anyways. I have no friends except this one kid. Half the time I don't get home until after midnight. And I don't wake up until after 2 pm. unless I have school then I just sleep during school. My grades, yeah those are shit. But whatever. Where's the joy in life?

"Hey Taylor, what you smoking now?" said Adam, maybe there is joy in my life. The only person I care about. Adam. They only person who can get me to smile, and the only reason why I am still alive right now.

"Just the usual, weed. Want some?"

"Nah, my dad is getting snoopy, I don't wanna get sent to rehab." The only person that he let's judge him, is his dad.

"Fine by me."

"So, What you doing tonight? Maybe we could hang out? Let's say my house after school?" was he really asking me to hang out. What a miricle!

"Yeah, that sound's great. I will see you then." I say walking away, with shockingly a smile on my face. When I got back to my room at the house, I did what I usually do. Slam the door to let everyone know I'm home. Grab an apple, and go to my room and lock the door. In my foster family I have Kathy, as a mom. Ryan, as a dad. Maya as a little sister, and Brody as a little brother. Brody is a little trouble maker sometimes. Maya is a sweetheart. She's like the perfect little angel. Ryan has temper issues though. Kathy can keep him in line, but, sometimes when she isn't home we go at it. He can just make me so mad. He is always judging how I dress, my hair, makeup. That's just before school. After school it's all about grades and stuff I don't even care about. But Maya makes me happy. She is always coloring in my room. She always has a smile on her face too. She is part of the good side of my world. It's her, Brody, and Adam who make me happy. Speaking of Adam, I have to get ready!

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