Chapter 6

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Hello readers!

I'm watching West Side Story right now. :)


Magnus POV!¡


I can't get back to my house fast enough. I need to tell somebody about the date, but I left my cell in my room.

I also want to fall asleep really quickly, because it'll be sooner till school, sooner till I can talk to Alec.

That was the most perfect date ever. I've never really had a serious date like that before. Sure, when I'm out of this hellhole sometimes I can find I guy to have a drink with, but I've never really had a serious relationship.

That kiss was magical. I didn't think he would kiss me, especially the first time we went out together. It was so romantic. I squeal at the thought of us laying together, watching the stars.

When I reach my house, I open the door as quietly as possible. I don't need to sneak in; my uncle knows that sometimes I get in late from out-of-town parties, and doesn't care. I just hate waking him up. He's got enough on his plate already. When he took me in, he was doing it out of kindness towards my dad, his brother, who really didn't hate me. The person who disowned me was my mother. But I always knew that if my dad had to choose between me and her, he'd choose her. My uncle gets a lot of crap from the other people who live here because he took me in. Most of them won't even go to his book store anymore because of me. We're barely living.

My attempts to be quiet weren't necessary though. As I walk in I see uncle Gary shooting on the couch watching tv. Without looking up he asks, "How was the party?" It's basically a reflex for him now. I spend all the time I can out of the house.

"It wasn't a party," I answer. I'm sober, so he turns around, interested. "I was on a date," I say, grinning.

He raises an eyebrow. "With who? The car is still in the driveway."

"I'll give you a hint: He lives in Alicante." Gary groans. "And he's a Lightwooooood!" I sing.

That gets my uncle's attention. "You went on a date with a Lightwood?!" I nod vigorously. "Which one?"

Sighing happily, I answer, "Alexander."

My uncle is staring daggers at me now. "Let me get this straight. (A/N: lol not straight. let me get this gay) You went out secretly on a date with Alexander, the eldest of the Lightwood kids, and it was good?"

"Yep!" I exclaim. "Night!" I run up to my room on the second floor before he can protest. Once I'm there, I grab my phone and text Cat as fast as possible.


I get a response back almost immediately.

That's great Magnus. Now goodnight. I'll talk to you tomorrow.

I text Ragnor and get almost the same response, just with a lot more profanity.

Why the hell is everybody sleeping? I need to talk to someone about this!

Then I realize that I could just text Alec! I need to talk to him again, even if it's through text.

Hey Alexander. Just wanted to say that I had a great time tonight and I'd really like to do it again sometime. Maybe we can talk at school? ;)

I send it before I can think about it. He doesn't respond right away, and I get nervous. Was the winky face too much? Did I sound too cliché?

Finally my phone buzzes again, and I hastily drink up the message.

Yeah, I'd love to do that again! I'll talk to you at school! :)

I sigh in relief. He liked me! Yay yay yay yay yay! I'm jumping around my room in excitement, then text him again.

Goodnight Alexander.

I don't get a text back, but I can guess that he's fallen asleep or something. That probably what I should be doing too. I need all my energy so I can be amazing for Alec tomorrow.

Even as I fall asleep I'm smiling.



Moprah strikes again with the free smiles!

I'm thinking about possibly maybe doing one thing of smut later in the story. Would you guys be okay with that? I need opinions.

Vote, comment, enjoy! ♡

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