Chapter 11

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Hello readers!

I decided to write this instead of writing everything else because this is all I have been thinking about for the past week.

I'm going to do my first sexy scene lololololololol.

They're not going all the way (yetttttt).

Get ready for feels everywhere.

Alec POV!¡


As soon as my finger hits send, I drive like the sex-depraved boy I am through the damn cornfields. I can see Magnus staring at me in awe with my peripheral vision.

"Are you sure you're not going to get in trouble for this?" he asks me. Through his shock I can see the worry in his eyes, and that means a lot to me.

I shrug and take his hand. "I honestly don't even care anymore."

And then we both start laughing hysterically.

I'm lucky that Magnus lives near the edge of town, because the speed at which I'm driving would not work well in our quiet little town. After a few minutes of comfortable silence I slide into the driveway and Magnus takes my hand and pulls me through the door. We pass a surprised-looking Uncle Gary and I wave to him as I am pulled mercilessly up the stairs into Magnus's room.

(A/N: cringing somaj shsjkskjdhah *hides in corner*)

Magnus shoves me against the wall before I'm even able to gather my surroundings. I bang my head against said wall, but it doesn't hurt a tiny bit because I'm distracted by Magnus's mouth on mine.

We're frantic, our hearts beating double time, our hands everywhere. I search the planes of Magnus's back, put my hands in his hair, slide them down his sides. He kisses me hard, exploring my mouth with his tongue. (A/N: still cringing bye)

I let out a soft moan as Magnus moves his hands down my chest and up under my shirt. He decides to hold my waist and move his mouth down to my throat, making a line from my jaw to the sensitive spot on the right side of my neck. With my mouth now free, I whisper his name, unable to get any more sound from my attacked throat.

Magnus bites down, and I'm suddenly aware of the bruises I'm going to have to cover up tomorrow. But who the hell cares when my sexy boyfriend is making out with me, right?

I then decide that there's too much fabric in between us. Magnus has to stop his shenanigans as I lift his shirt over his head, but dives right back in when I've thrown it on the floor.

"Alexander," he whispers, his breath hot against my throat, "You are so beautiful."

My heart skips a beat and a half. Magnus takes that as an opportunity to rip my holy tshirt off of me. Our lips meet again. He's a bit gentler now, but this intensity is like nothing we've ever had before. My hands explore his exposed chest. I can feel his lithe muscles writhing under my hands.

Magnus is doing the exact same thing to me when he stops, his palms on my stomach. I open my eyes to see yellow-green orbs staring right back at me.

"Alec, you're so skinny. Haven't you been eating better?" My boyfriend has lost any and all of the moment, now all worry and sorrow.

I take his face in my hands. "Shut up and kiss me."

And he does without hesitation.

We finally realize that it would be much more comfortable on his bed, so we stumble across the room, never leaving each other's arms. I collapse on top of Magnus and look at him for a second. His neck is right there. I've obviously never done this before, but after what he just did to me, he needs a little payment. (A/N: I'm going to hell)

Slowly, I kiss his lips, his chin, the edge of his jaw, and finally, his beautiful throat.

"Alec," the squirming boy underneath me breathes. (A/N: THIS IS WEIRD I DON'T KNOW HOW TO WRITE THIS UUU) My lips move around, trying to find where I can drive him crazy. Finally I hit it, right smack dab on the side of his neck, Vampire Zone. He tilts his head to give me more access and I bite down softly. If he's going to give me a hickey, I'm sure as hell going to return the favor.

After I'm satisfied with my work our lips meet yet again, and I'm suddenly very aware of where Magnus's hands are: on my belt buckle.

I take a sharp breath and roll off of him. Magnus sits up shakily.

I can't meet his eyes. "Not..." I gulp. "Not today. I'm not ready for that Mags."

He takes me hand and I look up. All I see is love and support. God, I love him. "It's fine darling," he says with a soft smile.

"Good. I mean, thanks. I'm sorry I ruined it."

Magnus lets out a soft chuckle. "You certainly did not ruin it." 

We both lay back, my head resting on his chest. My heart is still beating 50 miles an hour, and I can feel he's the same way. I let out a long breath.

"That was... something."

"It was amazing."

"God, I never thought I'd be able to kiss another boy, let alone get ravished like that."

Magnus props himself up on his elbow to look down at me. I move my head to his pillow, and although I can't see his face, I know he's grinning like a maniac. "'Ravishing?'"

I laugh and hit him playfully. "I'm serious."

Magnus bends over me like he's going to kiss me again. "I know."

Just as a new fire has been awoken in my heart, it's sputtered out by a knock at the door.

We both groan. Fucking Uncle Gary.

"What?" Magnus asks, annoyed.

"Boys, I'm completely serious about this. Get whatever clothes that aren't on your body on, then get your asses downstairs."

In an instant my heart drops to my stomach and I have the need to vomit. What if my parents found holy shit I'm going to die fuck what's going to happen me what's going to happen to Magnus shit-

Magnus puts a hand on my shoulder. My face must be showing everything that I'm feeling, because it's mirrored on his face. "I promise you, Alexander Gideon Lightwood," he says shakily, "that no matter what happens I will be there for you, and as long as I'm here it will be okay."

I nod.

Magnus hands me my shirt and throws his on. I look at the closed door. Who knows what demons could be behind it?

"Can we just lock the door and stay in here forever?" I ask rhetorically. Magnus just stares at me sadly, as if he thought he was never going to see me again.

But he takes my hand and whispers, "I'm sorry," before opening the door.

At least I can take that with me to hell.

Because standing in the doorway is my mother, her eyes almost red they're so full of anger. Isabelle is standing next to her, her head bent in defeat. Gary is in the corner of the room, trying to disappear.

I squeeze Magnus's hand once before descending the stairs. I don't look back at him; I don't think I could bear it.

Maryse doesn't meet my eyes, just gestures to the door, where her car is still running. As my family departs, I do sneak one last look at Magnus and a single glistening tear sliding down his face.


Well, that's the end of the story guys!

Just kidding.

God no there's so much more to this.

I'm legit shaking because of writing this fUcK.

So my first little sexy thingy was a success I think.

Plus Moprah is back once again so I'd say this was the perfect chapter.

I wasn't going to upload this until Monday but WHATEVER.

Vote, comment, enjoy! ♡

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