Chapter 10

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Hello readers!

This is the first time I've ever written on my laptop.

I'm not sure I like it...

Magnus POV


Meet me a Walgreens, he said.

So I do.

We meet everyday after he gets off, me getting into his car, which he leaves unlocked for me, right before he comes out of the building. He opens the door hurriedly, so nobody sees me inside. Then, we share a secretive smile and laugh. I kiss him, he kisses back, and it's like nothing else I've ever experienced.

Sometimes we drive over to The Spot, lay out a picnic blanket, and just talk. Alec lets out all of his feelings about his family: all of the things he wishes he could tell his parents, the ways he wants to be closer to his siblings. But it's all hidden behind his wall of fear, fear of his true self being discovered. It makes me so sad to know that there are people who can't except love for love.

Other times we drive around, always making sure to leave town before rolling down the windows and blasting the radio. I've discovered Alec has a secret love for Beyonce, so we scream the lyrics to Drunk in Love out in the country where nobody can hear our extreme gayness. There isn't another town closer than 20 miles to Idris, so we skirt lazily around in Alec's car, taking backroads so we aren't seen. There are so many different paths to take out in the cornfields and fresh air. Our relationship has grown in clear blue skies and tall yellow branches reaching to the clouds.

We never stay out too late, otherwise his parents would get suspicious. I always tell him when he drops me off at my house that I would rather be out in the cornfields with him. And he always answer with a sad, apologetic smile that I kiss away before leaving reluctantly.

One day, a few weeks into our relationship, Alec decides to ask me a question. We've chosen a spot to park a couple miles away from town. It's quiet and peaceful, a great place to sit and think with our hands intertwined, occasionally interrupted by a sweet kiss.

"Magnus, why did you choose me? I mean, out of every other boys you've met at parties and bars over the summer, you've decided to stay with the guy who has conservative parents and is too afraid to take one step out the deep, dark closet. So why?"

I look over at Alec with a shocked expression. He's still looking out at the sky, trying not to meet my gaze. I can see in his beautiful blue eyes and the nervous fidgeting of his hands that this is something he's been thinking about for a long time, and that really bothers him.

As I cup his face in my hands, his eyes are forced to meet mine. He's blushing, his cheeks pinker than the sunset we saw last night.

"Darling, you have no idea how wonderful you are. The way you get flustered when you're nervous, the way you smile to yourself when someone has said something funny, but you don't want anyone to see you. I've fallen almost in love with your eyes when they blend in with the dark background of the night sky. I won't say I'm in love with you yet, because it's too soon for me. My heart's been broken too many times. But I have to say, I'm pretty damn quickly falling for you. It's not because of your family, or your social status in our unimportant little town, because you and I are both too big for that. Alec, I chose you because you're you. And although that may not seem like much to you, it's everything to me."

His lips meet mine slowly, tenderly, and without saying a word, I know how much he appreciates what I've told him, because Alec hasn't gotten very much love in his life. He's so used to being hidden in the shadows that he can't imagine being special to anyone.

That's why I will always try my hardest to make him feel like the only guy in the world.

"Thank you, Magnus. Thank you so, so much. I know you can't say it yet, and I get that, but..."

He takes a deep breath, and his eyes meet mine yet again. Only this time it's different.

"I love you."

After we kiss for an exorbitant amount of time, Alec takes out his phone and texts his mother:

Hey Mom, I'm going to be staying at a friend's house tonight.

Isabelle's POV (sorry, happiness is over)

I slide my hands through my hair and sigh. I didn't want to this, but he forced me too. How he even found out, I don't have a clue. But he told me he was going to hurt Simon otherwise. That wasn't going to happen.

Maryse, my mother, is sitting at her desk doing some work.

"Mom, I need to tell you something."

Every word I say hurts so fucking much.

"It's about Alec."





god i love this story to pieces

i'm really excited for all the plot in this it's gonna be be really exciting

that's all for now folks!

vote, comment, enjoy! ♡

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