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Mia's POV
Aaron hung up and I decided to just ignore him. He's an asshole. Looking over I see Shane laying on my bed staring at me. "Yes Shane can I help you?" He smiled and stood up. "Yes you can actually." "And how's that?" I ask with my head tilted to the side. He grabbed my waist pulling me into him, and leaned down to kiss me. Kissing back and feeling that euphoric feeling I've missed I moan into the kiss. Grabbing the back of his head to pull him into me he pulls away. "Fuck I've missed that." Smiling I look up at him and nod my head. "Yeah me too." Pecking my lips one more time we go and lay down on my bed. Watching Marvel movies, we decide to order 2 large orders of boneless honey barbecue wings. Waiting for the food there's a knock at the door so I went to go get while Shane stayed in the bed lowkey falling asleep. Walking to the front door I open it to be faced with Aaron. "Aaron what are you doing here, I told you I wanna be left alone." Smirking he pushes me out of the way and tried to walk back to my room. "Aaron what do you want just leave!" He then turns around, he looks at me and all I see is pure anger. Backing away he takes quick long steps to me before grabbing my neck and throwing me against the wall. "Are you trying to leave me?! Huh you think you can leave me?!" He starts laughing uncontrollably and it scares me shitless. "I will fucking kill you before you ever get to leave me and I mean that! Put this fucking ring back on your finger give me a kiss and I'll fucking leave. But you better be at my house tomorrow before fucking noon!" Shoving him as much as I could I got out of his grasp and anger ran through me. "No fuck that! You're being an Asshole you want me to love you but you're so fucking controlling. I can't do it anymore I really can't. We need a break and we need time. We were doing fine until you decided to propose." Looking at me he was completely angered but I don't care. I'm tired of walking on eggshells because of him, It's ridiculous. Looking at me he nods his head and turns to leave or so I thought, he turns around and slaps the shit out of me. I fell to the floor and started sobbing. "WE ARE NOT TAKING A BREAK!!" "YOU'RE FUCKING MINE I TOLD YOU YOU'RE MINE I. DON'T. CARE!!" Looking up at him I held my face and decided to make shit worse apparently. My mouth just doesn't know when to stop. "I fucking hate you!!!" He looked possessed after I said that. I got up and ran fast to my bedroom and locked the door. Shaking Shane to get him up he looks startled. "Shane get up before he sees you" I whispered. "Who what are you talking about?" "Just get up and I'll tell you."

We walked into my bathroom and locked the door with Aaron still banging on my room door. "Okay so Aaron just showed up out of nowhere and things got heated quickly and obviously he hit me." Looking at me he got pissed, "And you wanted him over me?" Scoffing he looks at my face and caresses it, "let me beat his ass please!" Shaking my head no he sighs and sits on the tub. I heard the pounding stop and decided to go out to the room and there he stood by my bed. Smiling at me he said "thought you could get away from me that easy baby?" And of course at that very moment Shane walked out of the bathroom.

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