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As I shifted to get into a better position, I found myself in a stranger's bed. There was an unusual hardness to the bed that made my back scream and I realised seconds later that a body was curled behind me, spooning me. I tried and failed to recall how I came to be in the strange bed. My over imaginative brain was thinking of how dangerous the situation could be and how best to defend myself if the need ever occurred when my phone rang. I jumped involuntarily out of the bed to find where it was ringing from. 

The room was dark and I put my hands out to stop from tripping or running into something. The sheet rustled behind me and when I turned, dark pair of eyes were looking at me. Goosebumps formed on my flesh as my mind registered that I was in a real life horror movie.

"Here," I heard the gruff as my phone was thrust towards me.

The light coming from it helped and I moved cautiously to collect the phone. I stepped back a little too dramatically as soon as I got it. There was a missed call from my assistant and the clock above the screen explained why. I should have been in the office several hours ago.

He moved away from the bed and I took more steps backwards. Instead of coming towards me, the curtains were drawn apart and light seeped through the room. My eyes focused on my environment and the body standing near the window was gloriously nude. The light coming from behind him turned him into a silhouette and when he moved away from it, I took in his nudity. I could make out every curve and outline on his biceps and thighs as he moved. Who the fuck was this perfect specimen?

"What's your name?" the throaty voice asked, mirroring my thought.

"You don't know my name?" I asked incredulously.

"Oh, she talks. Wonderful!"

I couldn't tell exactly what made him think it was okay to tease me but he gave an answer right away.

"We didn't get to that part since other things took our interest," he drawled almost lazily.

My face got hot as I remembered the event of the previous night. I recollected pursuing him with wanton carelessness. I had never pursued anyone in my entire life. Alcohol had obviously seen to the release of all my inhibitions. Who the fuck was I now? I continued my tirade of self condemnation until my phone rang for the second time jolting me back to reality.

"I'm on my way. Holy smokes," I cursed, "Please, get me clothes from my house. No, I crashed at a friend's place yesterday. Yes, do it," I barked more strings of orders before ending the call with my assistant.

I looked around the room for my clothes and found them near the door. This was so chaotic, I had never felt more disorganised in my life.

"You'll have to wear something of mine," I heard as his eyes fell to the pile. 

I raised my brows at the weird kink he was into and shuddered.

"I'm sorry but your clothes were in my way last night and they're not in a very good state," he said as my fingers closed around the skirt.

I turned to look at him and he was still naked. My head was hurting and his voice was beginning to get on my nerves. Why was it that every word that came out of his delectable mouth was something I didn't want to hear? I cringed at the idea of wearing something of his as I took in the apartment. It looked like a student apartment and I wondered how we'd slept on the same bed all through the night. It looked too small to have occupied both bodies. There was a night stand pushed over to the wall and beside it, he had an open rack holding his clothes. I saw several sizes and shapes of guitars across the floor in another corner. I wasn't sure what to make of the posters on the wall with guys holding guitars and looking like crack heads. His shoes were near the door and his choices were almost hurting my eyes. This place was cramped and I couldn't wait to get out before I completely lost my mind.

"Is this your apartment?" I asked in awe.

"My humble abode," he replied with a tinge of pride laced in his voice.

Humble indeed, I almost retorted. 

I took the black tracksuit he offered and was happy to note that he had on briefs now. I silently chastised myself for drinking too much on a week-day when I knew I had work the next day. It was irresponsible and immature, my friends would kill me if they ever found out how careless I was being. I went to the small bathroom he pointed to and used the mouthwash I found on the sink before wearing the tracksuit. I knew right away that no one was going to believe I spent the night at a female friend's place. The tracksuit was three times my actual size, the horror.

"Don't you have a smaller size?" I asked calmly as I walked back to the room.

I picked the skirt I had dropped back to the floor from lack of better option. Inspecting the torn material like it was an offending item, I dropped it on the bed. I couldn't possibly wear that.

"You'll have to make do." He came closer to me and I held my breath as he bunched the sleeves beneath my elbows then tucked in the extra length puddled at my feet. "You look better now."

"I need to get to my office, my assistant is waiting. Can you get me there?" I asked.

"Sure. You're in luck, I have a customer's car here with me."

"What do you do?" What I wanted to ask was why he had someone else's car with him albeit a customer.

"Oh, so many things. I pick odd jobs here and there to sustain myself. Mainly, I sing."

That explained the musical instruments. I got my bag and stuffed my torn clothes into it before following him out of the door.

"You still haven't answered my question," he said when we entered the car.

I explained the way to my office before admiring the car. It was luxurious, very high end and its exterior and interior showed opulence. The leather seat was smooth to touch and I saw inscribed initials on the headrests.

"What question?" I asked, turning to look at him as I did the seatbelt.

He looked at me quickly before starting the engine and driving out of the noisy neighbourhood. I watched him from the corner of my eyes as he drove. He had the most intense eyes I'd ever seen on anyone and to top it off, those weren't the only thing interesting about him. His jawline was chiseled, lips were plump and full and his cupid bow was so deep it could hold a little amount of water. His nose was rather long and broad. Complexion was black and smooth, he was a lot darker than me and I considered myself dark. I couldn't make out a pore on his pretty face from where I was studying him. He either took his skincare routine seriously or was naturally blessed, I was leaning more on the latter because he didn't look like he cared much about his appearance but somehow he ended up being just perfect. It was unfair. His hair was full and the top was just starting to turn into locks. He had qualities I would normally never like on a man but he made his work and I was even intimidated by him. He was beautiful in an unconventional kind of way.

"Your name?" he answered.

I watched as his palm gripped the steering wheel harder and my mind did a quick flashback. I remembered the strength of them when he gripped my thighs the previous night. I closed my eyes against the images my mind had no problem supplying. 

"Jade Collins," I finally said.

"I'm Chike Orji."


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