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I walked around the clothing store the following day looking for clothes that'd fit Chike. Being a celebrity stylist made me a guru at guessing people's measurement so I knew the exact length of trousers that'd fit him. The store had some decent buttoned down shirts so I picked a few because Chike never wore them. I couldn't wait to see him in those as I was sure he wouldn't mind owning a few. 

When I saw a pair of black Chinos pants, I fell in love instantly and removed it from its hanger. Ties were to my left but I ignored them since I couldn't picture Chike wearing one. I had quite a pile on the bench and I carried it to the cashier who praised my choices before bagging them. I hailed a yellow cab and left for Chike's house since my car was at the mechanic's for its routine check. 

I was dragged in when the door opened and I couldn't help smiling at his impatience when he backed me up against the wall and kissed me senseless. Chike made me feel wanted and I liked him more for it because it was a feeling I was unused to.

"I've been waiting for you," he said against my neck.

I dropped the shopping bags to free my hands and they made a thud as they hit the floor.

"What's that?" Chike asked, momentarily distracted.

I beamed. "I got you clothes."

"What?" he asked laughing.

I got the bags and went towards the bed, dumping clothes on it. "Something different from your day to day wear," I started while spreading them on the bed. "You can wear these shirts with these pants and the collared shirt will go well on a pair of jeans, not a ripped one though," I jested.

I was so excited that I went on and on explaining how he could pair the clothes that I didn't notice my audience wasn't sharing in the excitement. When I suddenly stopped to look over at him, he was at a corner brooding.

"What? You don't like them?"

"They're stupid. Why would I want to be dressed like that?" he asked. He looked at them and looked away like he couldn't bear their sight.

His comment hurt more than I portrayed. "They're not stupid. I spent hours shopping for these."

"I didn't ask you to."

"Wow," I said stunned. What made it worse was how right he actually was, he really didn't ask me but he didn't have to because it was something I simply craved to do for him.

"Why would you get me clothes I didn't ask for, Jade?"

I sighed. "I was trying to help." Couldn't he see that? I sat on the floor and looked at him.

"This is not helping. This is manipulating," he stressed.

"How is it manipulating?" I stood from the floor and moved closer to him. I needed him to see my gesture for what it was.

"You know my style, I don't wear this shit. Chinos pants, for fuck's sake! Really? Think, Jade." He pointed his fingers to his head like I was a stupid child who couldn't understand simple maths.

"You're so fucking rude." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Who turned down free clothes? From a celebrity stylist at that.

"I don't want to go around looking like a fucking banker. I'm an artist and I dress how I feel. You of all people should know clothes are a form of expression and I completely don't feel this way. Whatever image you have in your head, erase it now."

"That's enough." I stuffed the clothes angrily into the bags and went towards the door. "I don't know why I even bothered, you're an ingrate."

"An ingrate for not wanting to look like one of the guys you'd rather be fucking."

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