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I ignored him as he drove, focusing on finding a way to get into the office without the tracksuit on my back. I texted my assistant to know if he had my clothes and his response was positive. He also added that he was waiting outside the office building and I thought about increasing his salary right there.

"Would you like to see me again?" Chike asked out of no where.

Startled, I looked at him. "Why would I want that?"

"I liked talking to you."

"We didn't talk," I enunciated.

"We are now and I like it."

Why did he have to want more? The first encounter was as a result of being intoxicated, what made him think the next was something to look forward to? "Just get me to my office in one piece and we can talk about this later."

"I'll need your phone number then. No pressure," he added with a smile and my heart beat picked up. "I could always come see you at work too."

"No!" I said quickly, too quickly. That was the last place I wanted my casual hookup to come looking for me.

"There's a notepad and pen in the glove compartment. Just scribble your digits and I'll call you later. Promise."

A second meeting wouldn't be that bad, I reasoned. There was something infectious about him that made me anticipate seeing him again. I had little to no experience on how to properly flirt back but I knew giving out my number was a step forward. When we got close to my office building, I told him where to park.

"You work here?" he asked, taking in the high-rise building with its shinny exterior.

"I own one of the offices."

"So you're rich rich?"

I looked at him, confused by his question. My assistant chose that moment to knock on the window and I grabbed my hand bag.

"Bye," I said.

When I turned to open the car, Chike leaned over and stopped my hand. As his body brushed against mine, my senses came alive and I turned to look at him, waiting. He took my face close to his and kissed me lightly but when I moulded against his chest to deepen the kiss, he broke it off.

"That was a little reminder," he explained. I continued to look confused and he gestured, "Your assistant is waiting, Jade."

My name had never sounded so sexy. "Oh, yes." 

"I didn't see anything," Dave said with a smile before hugging me when I joined him on the side walk.

"I didn't ask you," I replied and smiled back.

Chike drove off and I walked into the ground floor of the office building with Dave. My gaze fastened to Dave who was clean shaven, there was literally no hair on his fair face nor head. He always wore a wild smile that flaunted his pearly white teeth. I mentally appraised his outfit, he had on grey fitted pants and a white collared vest paired with brown brogues. 

"Looking dapper." 

He acknowledged the compliment with a smile. The most attractive thing about him was that he knew how to appear clean and fresh.

"You can change in one of the bathrooms here," he said.

Dave found an empty stall for me and he passed my clothes from outside as I changed. I grimaced when I was handed a lacy thong. Really, Dave?

"I'm sorry but that was the first thing my hand touched," Dave explained before I could voice my disapproval.

He could read my mind. That was one of his many talents, he always knew in what direction my thoughts were heading. I heard him reply sarcastically to the feminine voice asking why he was in the ladies bathroom. I smiled and changed into a mid-length sleeveless nude gown. It had a cut out at each side of the bust to show a peek of flesh and I paired it with four inches suede black pumps.

"Good choices, Dave," I praised as I came out of the stall and admired the outcome in the mirror. He flipped his imaginary hair and took Chike's clothes from my hands to allow me apply little make-up. "Let's go," I said after drying my hands.

Dave trailed after me. "Who was that?" he asked as we got into an empty elevator.

I'd been wondering if he was ever going to ask. "Nobody."

"Let me get this straight, so the friend whose house you crashed at happened to have a male driver that just couldn't help but kiss you. Is that it?" he gestured casually.

"You know damn well I didn't crash at my friend's place. Stop fishing for a story, you're not getting one." It felt good holding out on him. He was going to go mad with curiosity and it'd be fun to watch.

"How was the fashion show then?" he asked dejectedly.

"I met Kola and Cynthia," I said flippantly.

He gasped. "That explains it."

I bristled. I didn't like the conclusion that was already being drawn. "Explains what?"

"It. Like, I meant the guy," he fumbled when he noticed my stony face.

"I told you that was nobody." 

Chike was a spur of the moment decision, call it a mistake or whatever but it shouldn't be credited as an outcome of the encounter with my ex-husband and his wife. I wouldn't allow it.

"Yes, yes, yes, you did. How was it?"

"Do you love your job, Dave?"

"You know I do."

"Then stop talking."

I could never fire him but I needed him to stop asking about the event because I wasn't ready to share. The wheels were going off in his head, he was probably creating his own reality since I was being so secretive. I walked out of the elevator into the office floor and exchanged pleasantries with some of my workers. I shut the door to my office before Dave could further pursue his curiosity.

The office which doubled as my fashion heaven was decorated with hound tooth patterned sofas, white monochromic wallpapers and a zentangle patterned rug. The glass work table was positioned in the middle of the room with a large fancy African print chair next to it. There was a rack holding colourful clothing by one side of the room and a white heart shaped bookcase on the other side. A photo collage of my large group of friends sat prettily next to the book case.

Dave's desk was in an open space and I could observe him from my office without his knowledge. The interns were a bit farther from him and clustered together. Behind them was a large frame of a popular magazine cover I'd styled and it was one of the first things that was seen once out of the elevator. The floor had extra spaces like a conference room, a large show room, a work room, a secluded I.T. office and lastly, a photo studio.

I watched as Dave settled into his chair, making sure he wasn't going to be bothering me the next minute before I put my head on my table. I was slowly dying from hangover and trying to suppress the blinding headache made the pain much worse. I found a pain relief in my drawer and washed it down with water before resting my head back on the table. I woke up abruptly, checked the watch on my wrist and confirmed that I had been out for hours. The unopened messages in my email mocked me when I opened my laptop, they were answered quickly but professionally before I got my handbag and walked out of the office. 

Dave hurried after me as I entered the elevator. I pressed the pause button and he got in the box with me.

"I'm going home, I don't feel so good." I closed my eyes briefly when the little speech came with a wave of nausea. "Call me if anything urgent comes up," I said in a rush. 

"Will do, see you tomorrow. Take care, Jade," he said as he stepped out of the elevator.

I heard the hint of worry in his voice so I called. "Dave?" He turned around and waited for me to speak. "It's only a nasty hangover. I'll be as good as new tomorrow, I promise."

Dave worried more than the average person and I couldn't bare the thought of him concerned over a situation electrolytes and few hours of sleep would cure.

"If you say so."

I smiled as the door closed. Leaning into the box, I booked a Uber in record time.

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