Chapter 1

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A/N: before we start, I have to say this: things will be AU in this story, like how Kara never had James to spy on Lena though Supergirl and Lena still had tension with the Kryptonite but not to the point of distrust and so on. Also, yes Alex has the same hairstyle that she will have in S4. Note that the begining chapter might be short and...not good, so forgive me for that. Now, enjoy! (PS: If anyone want to make a better cover for this fic, go right ahead and I'll use it.)

Director Alex Danvers leaned back in her chair in the office with a sigh, a hand going through her newly cut hair. The sunlight streamed through the windows, bathing the room with it's natural light, something she is thankful for since it allowed her to not have her lights on from the time she gets in to the time she leaves to get home.

Her eyes danced over to the picture frames and her eyes soften as she looked them over, her chest feeling with nostalgia.

They were mostly of her family. Another was of the supergang that was taken after the whole World Killers  debacle and the last...

The last was of her, Sam and Ruby before the latter two had moved away. It had been Ruby's idea and the kid at utilized the pout and Alex was the first to crack. Lena had taken this photo and gave a copy to Alex, Sam and Ruby.

God, Alex really did miss the two, more than she had thought she would. She had connected with Ruby on a level she didn't expect. With Sam...well, Alex had a harmless crush on her but thought that it would evaporate after the woman had left.

Needless to say, that crush grew into something more.

Alex shook her head before standing up from her seat and walked around the desk and outside of the office and towards the building entrance, making sure to let everyone who needs to know know that she was going out.

In no time, she was on her motorcycle, her helmet on her head, speeding down the streets and through the traffic until she finally made it to the water front. She parked the bike, sliding off of it before taking her helmet off, setting it on the seat, and walked away from her bike and just began to walk, letting some of her memories come to the forefront.

"Alex?" a sudden voice came from behind her, startling her out of her memories. She stopped, blinked for a moment before turning around and then, she suddenly had a arm full of a familiar teenager.

The woman looked down and she saw a familiar face beam at her happily. It took her a second to realize just who it was and once she did, She quickly hugged the girl back.

"Ruby! What are you doing here?"

"We wanted to come back here!" Ruby hummed.

"And she wanted to reenact how we first met, apparently." An amused voice spoke, coming closer. Alex looked up and she could feel her breath get caught in her throat.

Sam was making her way towards them and it seemed that she hardly changed. She still wore her hair down, letting the long, brown strands flutter at every step she took. She was wearing a dark blue shirt as well as that familiar dark green jacket and a pair of jeans.

Sam came to a stop in front of Alex and, as soon as Ruby stepped away from the Director, pulled Alex into her arms in a embrace.

Alex's arms automatically came up and wrap themselves around the taller women, her face heating up slightly.

Sam took a moment before she finally pulled away from the other, the corner of her lips quirking upwards.

"Before you ask me," Sam began, her tone light. "We came back because we miss you and everyone else. And yes, we'll be living here now."

"Have you told Lena? Or anyone else?"

"No. We wanted to surprise of of you on game night but, as you can guess, Ruby didn't want to wait when she saw you."

"I actually almost didn't recognize you." Ruby spoke up. 

Alex couldn't help but chuckle. "I thought I needed to new look. Oh, and I was made the new Director of the DEO."

"That's awesome!" Ruby grinned.

"Congratulations." Sam added in.

"Thank you." Alex glanced down at her watch and sighed slightly. "I gotta go. I just left the office to grab some fresh air."

"See you later." Ruby gave her a big hug before starting to jog the way she and Sam came.

"I see she hasn't changed much." Alex smiled, eyes trailing after Ruby.

"She really missed you." Sam told her, watching her daughter before looking at the red head. "I'll stop by your place tomorrow after I drop Ruby off at school."

"My door will be open for you, given if I'm still there when you come around."

Sam gave the red-head a much shorter hug but before she pulled away, she whispered into the other's ear.

"Nice look by the way. It suits you."

Alex felt her cheeks redden as Sam pulled away, giving her a small smile and then ran after Ruby.

It was at this time that she realized just how much trouble she's in now since those two were back, and she didn't exactly know if she should fight it...

Or take a chance and give in.

To open up her heart again and give relationships another try.

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