Chapter 3

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A/N: I suck at pacing and doing slowburns, don't I? I'm sorry, I am trying! Also, I know, short chapter, I have trouble with pacing chapters and what not. Anyways, here's some Sisterly fluff...kinda...

A week.

That's how long Sam and Ruby had been back and, to Alex, it seemed like they had never left in the first place. Alex still watched Ruby while Sam went to work and such and sometimes, Sam and Alex would hang out if Ruby was laying on Alex's bed, passed out from the days activities. They'd talk for an hour or two before Sam wakes Ruby up and the two head home.

If Alex was being honest with herself, She was actually happy. The last time she was happy like this was before the breakup with Maggie.

And this is why she is at Kara's apartment, chewing on Pizza after spilling all that to her sister, who had just sat there, listening.

"I don't know what to do."Alex sighed.

"Well, I say go for it." Kara shrugged as she took a bite out of her piece of pizza. "You had a year to figure it out, don't wait for too much longer."

"Kara, I'm...not sure-"

"Alex." Kara cut her off. "I know you're scared and it's alright to be, but you can't let your fear get in the way of something like this. Promise me that you will?"

The older stared at the younger for a long moment before letting out a sigh. "Fine. BUT you need to do the same for your Luthor.

Kara sputtered, her cheek turning slightly red at Alex's words, especially what the other had referred to Lena at the end.


"You deserve to be happy. Besides, It's clear that I was wrong about her at the beginning."

"What if she does hate me when I come out as Supergirl to her? Alex, I let her having Kryptonite get to me."

Alex rubbed her little sister's back comfortingly. "She won't hate you. I've seen the way she looks at you when she thinks you aren't looking. Sure, she will be upset at first and it might last for a few weeks, maybe a month, but she could never really hate you. Trust me on this."

Kara hesitantly nodded and Alex leaned over and pressed a kiss against the side of the other's head. "Now, I have to head out but remember what I told you."

"Text me when you get home."

"I will." With that, Alex stood, grabbed her jacket, slipped it on and left her sister's apartment, walking over to the elevator. Once the doors opened, she slipped in and pressed the ground floor before taking out her phone and noticed that she had one unread text message from Sam.

[Sent 10 minutes ago]
Ruby and I were wondering if you could come to her soccer game tomorrow. It's her first game with the team.

Alex stared at the message for a long moment, biting her lip before her fingers flew across the screen.

[Sent just now]
Sure, I'd love to go. Just send me what time. 

She slipped her phone back in her pocket and sighed quietly, waiting for the elevator to stop and the doors to open. 

She can't help but hope she'll get to the game on time so she wouldn't disappoint either of them.

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