Chapter 2

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A/N: This is suppose to be a slow burn...but I think I'm sucking at that rn. Ah well, what can you do. As long as you guys are liking this fic and enjoying it, I don't mind if it's not really a slow burn...or if the chapters are so short cause I kind of suck when I have to, what I like to call, freestyling it. AKA All things that are written comes from my head and not a pre-existing thing like writing an episode if that makes any sense. Anyways, onto the fic!

Alex slammed her hand on the blaring alarm clock, effectively turning it off before rolling onto her back and stared up the ceiling for a long moment, contemplating about just laying there since it was suppose to be her day off, thanks to Kara's insistence that she needs one. She glanced over at the blaring red numbers, huffed, sat up and slipped out of bed, shivering as the cool air hit her warm skin.

She changed out of her pajamas and slipped into a pair of sweatpants and a grey shirt before padded out of the bedroom and made her way into the kitchen. She unlocked the door before she walked over to the counter and began to make coffee, her mind starting to wonder to the events of the day before. She couldn't help but wonder if Sam really was going to stop by and, if so, when?

Alex shook her head and turned her attention to the coffee and soon, she was pouring some into a mug and sat down at the kitchen island on a stole, sipping the warm liquid.

Not a few minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

"It"s open." Alex called out, looking over as the door opened and Sam walking in, shutting the door behind her. "Morning."

"Morning." Sam made her way over, setting her purse on the island. 


"Yes, please." Sam's voice held a note of relief in it.

"Ruby woke up late and made you miss your morning coffee?" Alex guessed with a joking tone as she got up, went to the coffee pot and filled it up with coffee before walking back and handed it to the other woman.

"You know her so well." Sam smiled before beginning to sip at her own coffee.

"What can I say? She was with me so much that I know her like I know the back of my hand."

Sam just chuckled and continue to drink her coffee in small sips. Alex watched her out of the corner of her eye, noticing that the other's hair was actually an inch or two longer than what it was and that was really the only change that she could see.

"Do you work today?" Sam suddenly asked, making Alex blink for a moment.

", I have the day off, why?"

"Because you and I are gonna do some catching up." 

"Well, what do you have in mind?" Alex watched as Sam's lips curled up in a small smile, one that caused her heart to flutter slightly within her ribcage. She watched as the smile got wider and Alex instantly knew that the other could hear and she felt her face flush ever so slightly.

"You'll see."

Alex quickly drained her mug and stood, heading straight into her bedroom and shutting the door behind her and leaned back against the door, taking a deep breath. She shook her head and quickly got dressed in a pair of tight fitting jeans and a black shirt before walking back out again and to the front door and saw that Sam was waiting for her.

"Ready?" Sam questioned. Alex nodded as she grabbed her leather jacket and slipped it on before the two walked out the front door, Alex locking it behind them. Sam lead her outside and to her car, which she unlocked and slipped into the driver's seat while Alex got into the passenger seat.

Alex watched as Sam turned the car over, put it in gear and backed out of the parking space before they were off down the road and away from Alex's apartment.

The buildings and other cars went past them in a blur and Alex just watched it all go by, her mind going a  mile a minute. 

It all stopped when she let herself inhale and the scent of Sam filled her senses and she felt herself to relax into the seat.

Now, she just sat back and enjoyed the ride.

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