Chapter 4

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Alex slipped off of her bike, taking her helmet off and setting it on the seat. She took in the adults and kids milling around, going to and from the bleachers and the woman could hear the cheers of the watches and the whistles of the referee.

She silently cursed herself, realizing that she was actually late to the game. She hoped that Sam and Ruby didn't mind and would understand.

She jogged through the crowd of people and began to make her way over to where Sam stood with some of the other parents of Ruby's teammates.

"Sam!" She called, getting the other woman's attention. She saw the other smile as she got closer and once she was arm length away, two arms shot out and went around her, pulling her closer to Sam's warm body.

"There you are. I was starting to wonder if you were ever going to show up." Sam smiled.

Alex could help but hug back before pulling away. "Sorry about that. Traffic is the worst today."

"It's alright. It's in the middle of the game, so you didn't miss too much. The other team is leading 1-0 though."

Alex turned toward the field and watched as the two teams went head to head. The visiting team had the ball and was going towards the goal and when the player was close enough, she had kicked it but the goalie was quick to catch it and threw it, passing it on.

The remainder of the game went back and fourth and in the last thirty seconds, it was a tied game. Ruby's team had the ball and the team mate bobbed and weaved as she went towards the opponents goal.

The home crowd cheered, encouraging the girl to keep going. The cheering turn e onto a loud roar as she got closer.

When one of the opposing members got in front of her, she quickly passed the ball off to Ruby.

"Go, Rubes!" Sam shouted at the top of her lungs from beside Alex.

"Come on, girl. You got this!" Alex added and she swore she saw the kid perk up at her voice and ran faster. Once Ruby was in range, she kicked, causing the ball to soar into the air and pass the goalie, hitting the net just as the ending whistle sounded.

The crowd went wild, roaring and jumping out of their seats.

It took them a while to calm down and the teams were giving each other high fives before they dispersed, heading to their parents.

Ruby ran straight to them and she wrapped her arms around Sam, grinning. "We did it!"

"I saw." Sam chuckled and Ruby turned to Alex.

"Alex, you came!"

"Pft, of course I came." Alex grinned. "You asked and I came...a little bit late but hey, I still got here."

Ruby grinned back, let go of Sam before wrapping her arms around Alex this time and Alex automatically wrapped her own arms around the girl.  "Now, how about we go for a little reward."

"Ice cream." Ruby imidietly  stated.

"I dunno, it's up to your mom."

Ruby swerved her head to Sam and gave her the best puppy dog eyes.

"You do realize I'm immune to those eyes." Sam teased.

"What about puppy eyes...times two!" Alex let Ruby go, went down to the girl's level and gave her own version of the puppy eyes.

"You both are going to be the death of me." Sam stated dramatically. "Fine, we can go out and get ice cream."

Alex and Ruby turned and grinned at each other.

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