Phase Fifteen: Daffodil

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" Goodnight. Goodnight... Goodnight ", he smiled in between their kisses.

They were standing by Yue's bedroom door. Both feeling giddy of this new feeling.

" Goodnight. ", Yue replied while blushing as distanced herself from his face a few inches apart

Dylan wasn't still satisfied and grabbed her by the waist and kissed her again. This time, passionately.

" Dylan...", Yue protested as she crinkled her nose while giggling on his lips

Yue had to place her finger on his lips to stop him from kissing.

" Stop. We have to rest now. Tomorrow is another day for us to explore. "

Dylan just stared at her adoringly while biting his lip.

" Okay. Okay. I will stop. ", he mockingly surrendered.

" Go and rest now. ", he pecked her lips and then her forehead.

" Goodnight. ", Yue smiled

" Goodnight. ", he said one last time as he retreated back to his room.

As she closed her door, she headed to her bed and hugged a pillow. She couldn't help but squeal silently upon recalling what happened today.

" Maybe it's not too terrifying to embrace this feeling after all...", she muttered to herself.


Yue woke up the next day with a smile plastered on her face.

" Good Morning..", she greeted no one as she stretched before getting up.

After she did her morning rituals, she decided to go to the hotel room's mini dining to get herself some coffee guessing Dylan is not awake yet.

Upon approaching the dining, she heard him talking to someone on screen.

" about me? Did you miss me? ", Dylan smiled brightly on the screen.

Yue furrowed her brows.

Who is he talking to...?

She sneakily went to the table counter. Dylan didn't notice her as he was facing his back on her. She tried to peep on his screen but–

Urg. This guy is too tall.

She rolled her eyes.

She continued to eavesdrop while preparing her coffee.

" How have you been doing hmm? ", he continued asking this particular person in a very gentle tone.

" Too gentle. Is this one of his girls...but didn't he...stop it Yue", Yue argued with herself while stirring her coffee.

Her sanity was not found when she decided to occupy a seat facing him but Dylan was still distracted by his unknown caller.

" Risotto? No. I have yet to eat a Risotto. No– what do you mean I'm lame? I will find time for that okay? I will take a picture and send you or maybe call you.. Yes. I promise. Of course! "

Yue just continued stirring while looking anywhere else except Dylan. Feeling awkward.

" Did you sleep well last night? ", He smiled sweetly.

Yue thought Dylan was asking her which then causing her to straighten up her posture abruptly but to no avail, the question was still not for her.

" Why did I even sat here. ", she scolded herself.

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