P.S: Grazie

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Dearest Juliet,

I am writing this letter to express my love and gratitude to the people that has supported me in this journey of writing Luna. I will be forever in debt for the happiness the readers had given me. The support is something that I could never imagine I would get. To be honest, all I hoped for back then was to be able to reach a hundred views on this story but they gave me multiple times of what I had hoped for. This story's concept was in one of my notebooks years ago. They did not had character names because I couldn't quite find a pair that would be fit for this story of mine and after watching Meteor Garden and started to love WHD and YY, I just knew that they would be the characters for Luna. I am forever grateful for the people that have accepted me and this story with open arms and I could never thank them enough. I would like to thank them for all the reactions and the appreciation you have given in this story. It always gave me joy reading them one by one. I never had the confidence on my writings even up till now and sometimes I get too self critical but seeing them give such support makes me so happy and contented.

To my Senpai sherlolly29 , I am most thankful for you. you were the first one who encouraged me to publish this story when I did not believe I could do this at all. Thank you. I will always look up to your works. You have been an inspiration to me.

And to whoever is reading this, thank you. You have inspired me to be better. Thank you. I am relieved and happy that I could finally close this book and gave the ending both Dylan and Yue deserved in this story.

P.S: I would like to offer this short fragment of Luna after the ending to them as a gift. Hoping they would like it.


"Some say they were born with a golden spoon, privileges were given in their pathway like scattered roses that blesses their precious feet but that does not give them a free ticket to life challenges. This next house that we are going to feature in this anniversary special of china's best homes has proved that true love will always prevail. "

The director signalled for a cut and the crew started getting ready to enter the said premises.

The entire crew was astounded with the tall iron gate in a rustic gold colour where at the side were covered with vines. The said interviewer then rang the doorbell. After a couple of seconds the gates opened with a slight clinking sound. A pair of beaming doe eyes greeted them. There stood Yue who looked elegant with her sheer ivory coloured sundress with a brown Oran sandals to match. Her wavy hair cascaded down just right below her shoulder that had two French braids circled at the back of her head. The interviewer taught she has never met someone who matched their aura and personality with their name. The smile of her eyes immediately lighted up the crowd. Perfectly mimicking how the moon gives light in the dark.

"Hello Everyone!" She greeted the crew with a smile and followed with a bow.

The interviewer stepped forward in order to greet Yue, "The ever so beautiful Shen Yue or should we call Mrs Wang. I'm Cassie by the way, it's a please to finally meet you." She extended her hand to her and Yue gladly accepted and shook hands with her.

"Hi Cassie. Nice to meet you."

"We have been looking forward for this day. You have no idea."

"Oh really?" she shyly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"The public adored your love story. The public's sweetheart and the rebel turned gentleman is something people will never get tired of hearing. "

"Well, we never would imagine back then that we would end up together but I guess fate really does magic in one's life." she dreamily said.

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