Phase Twenty-Eight: Waning

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"My Yueyue wait!"

She looked back at her mother that was now crying, arms opened and suddenly all her sadness, disappointments was all gone.

"Mom.." She hurriedly ran back to her mother's embrace.

"Oh my Yueyue..I am so sorry. So sorry."

They poured out everything in that single embrace.

Prides vanishing in an instant.

Worries dispersed.

Longing was slowly fading.

Letting their love for each other speak for all the unsaid emotions.

Nothing beats a mother's warmth. Easing out all the worries.

She broke from their embrace, cupping her little girl's face into her palms.

Tears were still pouring from the both of them.

Breaking from their hug once again, she wiped her daughters tears their smiles was something they had never seen before. It was a smile of acceptance. A smile of forgiveness.

"I'm so sorry my love. I did not believe in you. I was blinded from keeping everything that we had. Not realising it was you the I was sacrificing. I am so sorry."

"Mom..knowing you believe in me right now is all that matters." she sobbed while savouring her mother's touch. Oh how she missed her mother.

"From now on, I promise to stand by you. I'm so sorry my Yueyue..." hugging her once again.

Yue couldn't hold her tears anymore longer. Sobbing into her mother's arms. Feeling overwhelmed with happiness. She felt a weight has been lifted. She could feel the peace in her heart finally nearing. She silently thanked the heavens as she held on to her mother's embrace in fervour.

Her phone suddenly rang, making them both break from their hug.

"Hi Love."

" ready? I'm here by your house gate. Did not want to come in uninvited..."

She laughed at his random ramblings.

"Love..I think you can come in."

"Huh?.. wait why is your voice like that?! Are you crying? Are you okay?!"

"Di.." she giggled upon hearing his sudden anxious state.

"What happened?? Where are you now? I'm driving over."

"Di..Relax..I'll meet you by the door." she looked over to her mom who was now smiling while listening to their conversation.

"I'll come with you. I owe someone an apology."

She smiled in glee, kissing her mother's cheeks as they walked hand in hand.

Upon reaching the door, Yue could barely finish her greeting when a worried Dylan came barging in and hugged her.

"Are you okay?! Oh god Yue you cried! Your eyes! What happened?! See. This is what I'm talking about. I shouldn't have left you here alone! " he gasped worriedly. Examining her thoroughly from head to toe as he broke their hug. He pursed his lips upon seeing how swollen her eyes was..wiping the dried remnants of her tears on her cheeks.

"I'm okay, Bao."

"You sure?"

But before she could even reply,

" I guess I really shouldn't be worried with whom did my daughter choose to get married to."

"Mrs. Shen..I;m sorry I did nit mean to trespass. I just thought–"

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