The Break Up?

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“Keyshawn open this damn door” I said very piss. “Damn what police” Keyshawn said with his sarcastic ass “right know I don’t think you need to be playing… I can’t believe you cheated on me” I said on the verge of tears “what are you talking about” Keyshawn said walking towards me, at this point I didn’t want him to be beside me because if he had took another step my fist would had been pin to his jaw… I’m getting tired of these thugs; I don’t even know why I got connected to them in the first place.

“Camilla, first of all calm your little ass down” Keyshawn said, he look like he was getting angry but shidd I didn’t care. “What are you talking about” Keyshawn said looking at me with confusion “THIS BITCH, THIS” I said throwing his phone at him. It looked like he wanted to pounce on me when I throw his phone, but instead he just look down and shook his head.

“Camilla, I can explain” he said walking towards me more. “Hell naw, what did I ever do to you to make you want to cheat on me” I said crying hard by now, I love Keyshawn and when I say love I mean LOVE. “Well you kiss Daquan” Keyshawn said picking up his phone while unlocking his password. “Wow Keyshawn, wow” I said shaking my head while looking at him, he looked like he didn’t even had no remorse… what happen to him. “How are we going to be together and now I don’t trust you” I said looking at him.

“Where going to be together Camilla, I love you and you love me and that’s all that matter” he said sounding very dumb at this moment, whoo yall don’t know what I want to do to this boy “take me home” I said calmly *silence* “Keyshawn I not going through this again, take me home NOW” I said very piss “are you done” Keyshawn said turning his head towards me, oh so this nigga want to be smart, ok now I’m about to get in his feelings “yea I think WE done” I said walking out of the room, well a fail walking out of the room “what you say?” Keyshawn said looking at me; this nigga is CRAZY, his face change 100 percent this didn’t look like the Keyshawn I know.

“Nothing I said” shidd I was scared I don’t know what he would of done to me looking like that “oh” he said sitting down on his bed and grabbing his phone. Omg what to do, I want to go home, but I don’t want to get in a fight with him, I hate when people yell at me it makes me scared as hell no lie. Ohh I got an idea “Keyshawn” I said sitting beside him on the bed “yea, Camilla” he said still looking at his phone, this boy bet not be texting that girl that sent him that naked picture, calm down Camilla, calm down just go back to the plan.

“Um, so we want this relationship to work out right” I said looking at him, he stop looking at his phone and look at me like I was crazy then look back down and said “yes Camilla”. “Ok well just tell me all the stuff you did behind my back when I went out with you” I said rubbing his back “I didn’t do anything Camilla damn!” he said getting up “ok, ok” I said looking down at his bed while rubbing my hands back and forth on his covers. “Why you ask?” he said sounding concern “because I really want to know, I don’t want you to hold all of that stuff in and never tell me” I said getting up and looking straight through his eyes. I know he did something I can just fell it, trust me I know Keyshawn like a book.

                                                Keyshawn P.O.V.

          Damn should I tell her? I really don’t want to tell her that a stripper gave me head and plus I was high. I can’t yo, I can’t have Camilla walk out of my life AGAIN… that’s shit hurt bad she the only person I care about in this world beside my family. “Come on Keyshawn, please just tell me” she said looking at me, damn I can’t yo. “Camilla, I can’t have you walk out of my life again” I said walking pass her and down the stairs “what do you mean?” Camilla said trailing right behind me.

          *silence* I’m very common of doing this when I’m trying not to cry. What? A nigga got a soft side to, but only for my bae Camilla, other than that you’ll never catch me slippin, hell naw trust and believe that young blood. “Keyshawn!” Camilla said, I can tell she getting piss “WHAT, DAMN!” “TELL ME DAMN” she said looking at me. “Ok fine, you wanna know then I’ll tell you” I said, yea I can’t believe I’m doing this to but here it goes.

                                                Camilla P.O.V.

“WTF” I said completely piss, mad… I don’t even have a word for this situation. “I was high Camilla I didn’t know what I was doing” Keyshawn said holding me “NO, GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME, I BEEN NOTHING BUT FATIHFUL TO YOUR THUG ASS AND THIS WHAT YOU DO TO ME, AND THEN YOU HAD THE NERVE TO GIVE ME A DAMN LOVE YOU SPEECH IN THE HOSPTIAL AND MAKE LOVE TO ME wow what a low down dog” I said just screaming from the top of my lungs, I’m really hurt right know… but I not gonna shed a tear, nope not right know, not never fuck this.

“CAMILLA, YOUR ASS CAN’T BE TALKING EITHER YOUR LIPS WAS ALL ON THAT NIGGA DAQUAN” Keyshawn said with pure black eyes. “THAT’S DIFFERENT” I said “HOW AND THE HELL THAT’S DIFFERENT, CHEATING IS CHEATING CUZ” Keyshawn said all in my face, let me calm down because he is making me scared “Keyshawn, whatever yo” I said shaking my head, he’s just another Terrance. “yea, whatever” he said walking away. The fact that this nigga gonna walk away was mad disrespectful. “PUSSY ASS NIGGA” I said screaming behind his back. Only thing I seen was a MAD Keyshawn walking towards me “what you say?” “I didn’t sutured” I said trying to stand my ground, my legs was shaking fast… in my mind I was like (no stop shaking, stop… you don’t want to look scared lol).

“Well you can sutured your ass right out my house” Keyshawn said walking away “yep, drop me off home!” I said yelling behind me “nope your ass walking” he said, see how childish he is. “Hell naw, take me home” I said grabbing his arm but only to get it snatched away. “Get out damn” Keyshawn said pointing his finger to the door. “I’M NOT NO DAMN DOG” I said pushing him, next thing I know Keyshawn pick me up, unlock his front door and put me outside and lock his door. Omg this nigga is childish just like his sister Tasha. *BANG BANG* “KEYSHAWN…KEYSHAWN” I said banging on the door “what damn” he said half way opening his door with his shirt off “I need my phone” I said looking at him.

“Wow” he said looking kind of sad, what he thought I knock to tell him sorry and sound desperate, umm that’s not me hell naw. “Can I get my phone please” I said calmly and professional. “Nope, give me a kiss first” Keyshawn said smiling “Keyshawn come on I’m not playing… my mom probably worry about me” I said anxious just to get my phone and leave out this hell hole. “Alright then” he said closing his door back “NOO, Keyshawn please come on” I said whining like a baby, why is he so childish. “???” Keyshawn said behind the door “What?” I said, I can’t really hear him behind the door. He opens up his door and said “are you gonna give me a kiss?” “Keyshawn N… fine” I said just giving in, he pucker up his lip but I mush his face in walk in the house. I felt strong arms pick me up and push me against the wall, Keyshawn kiss me with A LOT of force, don’t give in, don’t give in was all I was thinking, fuck I gave in “I love you” Keyshawn said looking me in my eyes.

“Can I get my phone now, please” I said looking down, I can’t do this, and just imaging a girl giving him head makes me sick. He let go of me and I walk straight to the his room and pick up my phone, I seen I had 5 miss calls from my mom, I know she’s worried sick. “Stay with me” Keyshawn said looking at me “no, Keyshawn I have to go home” I said trying to walk away from him but only to be push back, ugh can I please just go home damn, I hate controlling, emotional niggas. “You don’t love me more don’t you” Keyshawn said putting both of his hands on his head “Keyshawn I will always love you, I just don’t know if there an us anymore” I said with all seriousness.

It was silence in the room, awkward silence. “Bye Keyshawn” I said walking pass him and out the door, I think that just really happen, I’m done with Keyshawn DONE.

·       Hope you guys like

·       So Camila and Keyshawn are done for good huh?

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