Chapter 28 - "Are you high, woman?!"

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~ Fool Me Once ~ Part Two ~

Ronnie's POV

As Damon and I walked through the woods filled with horny and drunk teenagers, I couldn't help but scrunch my nose up. "The Duke party. I can't believe I forgot." I told the vampire walking alongside me. Of course there was a party happening tonight. It seems as if these types of things happen at the most inconvenient times. "Hope these baboons stay clear of the church."

"Your hope, not mine." Damon pointed out.

"Ronnie, hey." Sebastian's voice drifted into my ears, making me turn my head to the side, seeing him, Matt, and Caroline.

"V, oh my god, where have you been?" Caroline asked enthusiastically, intertwining her fingers with Matt's not-so-subtly. I'm not sure if she was silently pointing out I was going to be forever alone, or if she was trying to make Damon jealous.

Matt looked down at their hands, before looking up at his― I guess― girlfriend . Meanwhile, I looked very awkward, Sebastian looked like he needed another beer to deal with those two, and Damon looked like he wanted to get going already. "Long story, no time to tell." Damon answered for me.

"Wasn't talking to you." Caroline smiled sweetly, but we all knew she was mentally murdering him.

"Sure you were."

Matt decided to break the tense and awkward silence. "We haven't met. I'm Matt." He stuck his hand out for the Salvatore to shake it.

"Matt, there's a reason we haven't met." Damon said, rejecting Matt's handshake. He then turned to me, pointing off in a direction. "You and I are going that way." He grabbed my arm, making me scoff.

"Sorry, guys. Catch you later!" I had to yell my last statement because Damon was dragging me away from them. I ripped my arm out of his grip, rolling my eyes. "Quit man-handling me. I can walk on my own, thank you very much." I glared at him as we made our way towards the tomb.

When we got close to the church, I saw the Bennett's, Elena, and Stefan all standing together, conversing about something. Damon whistled, catching their attention. They turned around and I could almost see the relief in their eyes when they saw us, more specifically me. "Brother, brother's girlfriend, witches." Damon greeted them, both of us walking towards them quickly. While Damon went straight towards the tomb, I walked towards the four.

"Everything okay?" Stefan asked, taking a couple of steps towards me.

I nodded anxiously. "Let's just get this over with. Are we ready?"

"I guess so." Bonnie answered.

I was the first to walk down into the tomb, then the others followed. I made my way to stand next to Damon, nervously biting my nails. "Do you think this'll work?" I whispered to my friend, watching as the witches sat everything up.

"It better."

His statement didn't give me any comfort. "We're ready." Shelia informed us. She took a lighter to a torch like thing and let it catch on fire. "Air." She moved onto the next one, lighting it as well. "Earth." Then one last time. "Fire."

Bonnie held up a bottle. "Water."

Grams grabbed the bottle from her granddaughter, drizzling the water onto the flames. "That's it, just water from the tap?" Elena stupidly asked.

"As opposed to what?" Grams asked, not looking in her direction.

I glanced back at Elena, raising a brow as she answered. "I just figured maybe it would have to be blessed or mystical or something." I seriously wanted to punch her, thought it was not a new feeling for me.

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