Chapter 16 - Power Struggles

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Ronnie's POV

"Is our father an idiot?"

I raised a brow at my brother, who had just burst through my door and was now sitting on my bean bag in the corner of my room. I took off my headphones, laying the pencil I was holding down. "What?"

"I said, is our father an idiot?" Lucas asked, rolling his eyes as he tossed a football up into the air.

Squinting my eyes at him, I sat up on my bed, closing my textbook and throwing it carelessly onto the floor. "Well, yeah. How else would you explain where you get it from?" I huffed, laying back down on my bed. "So why is our father an idiot?"

"You would think with him being a cop, he'd be more sensible with his kids. I mean, really? Sending a ten-- almost eleven-- year old to a party at a bar?" He was speaking mostly to himself.

Rolling my eyes, I picked up the pencil that was by my head and started fiddling with it. "The only way he would let me go was for me to take you. Trust me, I don't want this at all."

"Well, now I just feel wounded." My little brother said, tossing the football in the air once again. "Can't you just leave me here and say I went with you? It's a win-win solution."

A mix between a scoff and a laugh came out from my mouth. "No way, booger. I'm not risking getting grounded again just so you can stay home. Plus, if you died while I'm supposed to be watching you, I'd be dead before sundown."

As he let out a dramatic groan, I picked up my phone, checking the time. "Get ready, Luke. We have to leave in 30 minutes." I said, sitting my phone back down and getting up from my bed.

"I'm already ready."

Walking to my closet, I threw a look at him over my shoulder. "You're still in your pajamas. Why are you still in your pajamas? Didn't you go to school today?" I asked question after question, my hands on my hips.

"Gosh, you're acting like mom."

My face screwed up when he said this, my hands falling off of my hips. "Fine. Whatever. I don't care anyway. Wear pajamas if you want." I grumbled, starting to look through my clothes.

"I was gonna wear them either way." I could hear him getting up, walking towards my door. "Hurry up, will you?" I didn't have time to respond, seeing as he had slammed the door on his way out.

"No need to take your anger out on the door!"


"No drinking, no drugs, and no having sex."

"I'm only ten."

"You can never be too safe." I pointed at him as we stood at the entrance of The Grill. "Stay away from the bar. Always be within my eyesight." I listed all the rules, making him roll his eyes and stomp his foot in annoyance.

"Ronnie! I've been to The Grill a million times. I practically know everyone in there." Lucas groaned.

"Just promise, you little devil." I said, giving him a stern look.

"Fine. I promise. Can we go in now? I'm bored of this." He stated, grabbing the front door of The Grill and throwing it open, not even waiting for me to answer his question.

Throwing my hands up in defeat, I followed after him. A random pop song that I didn't know the name of was blasting through the speakers attached to the walls. I saw my brother head over to the pool tables, one occupied by Matt and Tyler. Lucas had to jump up to give Tyler a high five, then he fist bumped Matt before the three started playing together.

Once I knew my brother was not in danger of being kidnapped, I looked around, trying to spot someone I knew. I felt someone bump into me, making me turn around, seeing a pretty blonde girl. "Mind watching where you're going?" I asked in annoyance.

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