The bathroom incident

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Yuki continued dragging Kane down the hall as he tightened his grip. Yuki suddenly pulls Kane pinning him to the wall. Causing Kane's monotonous expression to falter showing a surprised expression, before quickly reverting back to his usual expression. Yuki began to feel burning hot tears roll down his face and onto Kane's shirt. Kane felt the tears collecting on his shirt as his expression saddened. Kane grabbed Yuki's head pulling him into his chest, as he gently embraces him running his hands through his bleach blonde hair. Kane could feel Yuki begin to be soothed, he continued rubbing his hands through his hair. Yuki looked up at Kane his eyes swollen from crying so much. Kane's heart felt like it was being torn in two. he looked down at Yuki with an expression that was torn between a pained expression or a monotonous one. It looked as if Kane was trying to figure out if he should let Yuki break through his barrier he had put up so long ago, or show how pained he was to see him like this. Kane sighed as he ruffled Yuki's hair. Yuki's stomach growls as he blushes in embarrassment. Kane looks down at Kane and lifts up his chin so he was facing him. "You didn't eat lunch?" He asks glaring at Yuki for being a retard and not eating. "I can't eat food....." Yuki says as he suddenly becomes hesitant. "Why?" Kane asks with a confused expression. ".....ummm.....I'm a I can't eat regular food." He says as he looks down with a saddened expression. 'He's about to leave and call me a monster or a freak.....They always do.' Yuki thinks to himself trying to hold back the tears. "Why didn't you just say so?" Kane says picking Yuki up and going into the bathroom, Yuki looks at Kane with a surprised and dumbfounded look as he notices Kane taking of his shirt. Kane was very fit and masculine unlike Yuki's small and frail figure. Kane grabbed Yuki's small frame and pulled him towards him causing Yuki to collide with Kane's chest. Kane tilts his head to the side exposing his neck to Yuki. "I-I can't do that to's painful and I don't wanna hurt you." Yuki says as he tries to get away but fails as Kane tightens his grip around Yuki's waste. "Just bite me already." Kane says in an aggravated and impatient tone. Yuki sighs as he gives in biting into the crease between Kane's shoulder and his neck. Kane just sat there and didn't even flinch. Yuki wasn't even sure if he had felt him bite him. Yuki withdrew his fangs from Kane's neck as he licked where he had bit him as a way of saying he was sorry. Yuki tapped Kane's shoulder signalling that he was done. Kane stood up helping Yuki off the ground. As Kane was slipping his shirt back on Yuki frowned slightly looking at Kane's abs. Kane noticed this as he held in a laugh as he acted like he didn't notice. "Thank you for that." Yuki says as the two were walking down the hallway as the bell rang for their next class to start. "No problem." Kane said as he looked at Yuki from the corner of his eye observing his facial expressions. "What are we exactly?" Yuki asks catching Kane off guard as his eyes widen but only for a second as his expression goes back to normal. "I don't know what do you think we are." Kane asks Yuki as he looks down at the much smaller boy. "Actually I was wondering if we could-" Kane cut him off as he collided his lips with Yuki's before pulling away as they locked eyes. "I was thinking the exact same thing." Kane says as a grin makes it's way on his stoic face. Yuki sits there flustered as he just nods his head in agreement. "So are we dating now?" Yuki finally asks breaking out of his trance. "Of course we are my little bunny." Kane says ruffling Yuki's hair causing Yuki to smile as he wraps his arms around Kane's much larger one. Yuki had this dorky grin on his face as he looked at Kane. "What's that look for?" Kane asks smiling. "I'm just really happy." Yuki says his smile becoming wider if that is even possible. "Me too." Kane says as he kisses his beloved bunny on the lips before the both happily walked to their next class. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey it's your loving and caring author here Author here....I hope you enjoyed this chapter...honestly I'm a bit disappointed with myself I could have done better. But oh well hope you enjoyed it.

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