Chapter 5

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POV Dameon

“And let’s get out our firearm contestants out here! Everything from guns to cannons.”

I smirk and give Marli a shove, Al must have had the same idea because we both pushed her at the same time. She stumbled into the arena slightly and turned around to scowl at us, she flicked her wrist and her charm came to life as her rifle appeared in her hands. She walked up and took her mark, I could see her grin and I knew me and alicia both knew what she was going to do. She takes her aim and fires, she stumbles back, pretending that the recoil pushed her. The bullet had hit the edge of the farthest ring, far away from the center. All the other guilds laugh at her and she glances back at us, we shake our head no, let's keep playing with them. She fires again, hitting closer but still farther away from the center than any of the other contestant “Well you know what they say!” the audience called out. “Each member represents their guild by themself! Poison talons is a joke!” Marlow’s head whips to us, her eyes begging to let her show them off, this time we nod in approval and she smiles with pride. She reloads her gun and fires, hitting dead center. She walks over the rest of the firing lanes as everyone just stares, loading and firing, hitting every single target dead center.

“She's going to do it,” Al says quietly, a wry grin on both our faces. I grip my axe in my hand, it's a double sided battle axe, my preferred blade. She stops before the final lane and turns to us again, she puts a hand to her mouth and whistles. Without hesitation I hurdle over the edge of the arena and launch my axe at the target. She grabs the belt of the dude in the lane and pulls him to the side just as my axe flies by them. My axe hits dead center and not two seconds after the thunk do we hear the shot of her rifle. I squint to see the board and see the whole bullet hole from the other contestant, and the two smaller bullets on either side of my axe, she shot the bullet at the axe blade and it split on impact, each piece perfectly mirroring each other on the target. I grin slyly and hop back over the edge of the arena and take my proper place next to my twin.

“Nice shot,” she elbowed me a little.

“Tell that to her,” I say as marli takes her stand back to her own lane. The judges come out and inspect all the targets, no doubt marli won this competition.

“why does she gets to show off and not us?” Alicia asks me, annoyed.

“Because her power and skill aren't as great as ours, we can't show off our abilities yet because they aren’t allowed to know about them yet, as far as they are concerned we are solely fire dragon slayers, we have to keep it that way.”

“Yeah yeah, it's just no fun,” her shoulder slump. It's obvious that we are way more powerful than marlow, she can do holder magic and a little script magic and that’s it, we are both dual slayers, we have more magic than she could ever have, and what little magic she can do drains her fast. She tries to hide her weaknesses from us but we’ve known each other too long for her to be able to keep secrets, alicia could give her a look and she’d spill all her sins like a bottle of water.

“Remember when we found her?” alicia says, not taking her eyes off her.

“How could I forget, we were in opposite ends the forest practicing our magic when the explosion rang out, i went to investigate thinking it was you,” i laugh at the memory. The judges raise marlow’s hand in victory, she returns off and her rifle disappears back into her charm bracelet. She jogs over as we turn and head to the food area, no one else from our team has an event today, but after today they’ll cut a couple guilds leaving only five, then four then three, and the final match between the last two standing.

“Hey!” we turn and see mr. dear older brother Natsu walking up to us with his own little entourage. “I need a word with you punks!”

“Oh, are you ok? I don't think your mind is running clearly,” Alicia puts a hand on her hip and cocks her head to the side, teasingly.

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