Chapter 7

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I was soon jolted awake 2 hours later from the sound of my phone ringing on full volume. I quickly answer it not even checking the collar ID, being too afraid of waking Zayn up.

"Um..hello?" I ask tiredly as I sit up and lay my back against the cold wall.

"So your at that Malik guys house huh?" A voice growls through the other end of the phone. My eyes widen, my tiredness all the sudden gone as the fear started to come over me. Gabe. My abusive boyfriend. Zayn had no idea about this cause if I ever did tell him I know how pissed off he would get.

"I-I'm not." I stutter not wanting him to know where I was, I get up trying to pack my stuff as fast as I could to get home not wanting to wake Zayn up.

"Don't lie to me." He says calmly.

By this time Zayn was already awake looking at me in concern. "Who's that." He asks groggily, looking up at me from his spot on the floor.

"What was that voice." Gabe demands over the phone.

"No- no one okay?" I stutter being afraid that he knew where I was.

"I'll be there in ten." He growls, knowing what I sounded like when I lied and with that he hung up and I was standing there in complete terror.

"We need to leave Zayn." I panic, getting my stuff off from on his bed as my voice wavers.

"Woah, woah, woah." He says pushing my stomach back into the bed gently. He sits next to me with his legs criss crossed so that we were facing each other, right then I knew he was going to do anything he could to get information out of me. His dark eyes look at me in concern.

"That was him wasn't it?" He asks me. I chose not to respond which didn't go too well.

"Talk to me." He whispers gently trying to get me to say something to him. He hated it when i shut him out like this, he always wanted to help me with my problems always hating it when I was sad.

"Zayn we have to go." I try again being afraid that he might walk in here any moment. He sighs and looks at me.

"We aren't going anywhere until you tell me what is going on, I want to know." He says getting a bit frustrated.

"Okay yes! It was him!" I exclaim wanting to get out of this house as fast as I could before Zayn picked a fight with him.

"There's no way he can get inside of this house Faith, the doors are locked." He assures me.

"He will find a way Zayn, trust me." I say not noticing that I was crying until Zayn whipped my tears away with the pad of his thumb.

"Why didn't you tell me that he was like this." He asks me feeling kind of guilty. That question was the one it was trying to avoid all of this time. I hated to think that Zayn would even think I didn't trust him cause in reality he was the only person I could ever rely on to keep my secrets. I told him everything, but this was just one of the things I didn't want to tell him about in fear that a fight might happen.

"Knowing you, you would've killed him." I say looking at the wall ahead of me.

"He gave you the bruises huh?" He murmurs softly as he brushes his soft finger tips over my stomach. He must've found them.

"How did you know about those.." I ask panicking.

"Found em' " He says getting up to put his shoes on. I knew this wasn't going to end well.

"He's dead." Zayn growls putting his other shoe on.

"Zayn please don't start anything." I plead not wanting anything to turn into an all out fight.

"I'm not going to let him treat you like this Faith, your crazy if you think I would." He says sharply.

"Just don't hurt him." I say still somehow having feelings for him and he looked over at me like I was crazy.

"No promises." He says looking at me and I hear a car door slam close from outside.

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