Chapter 8

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I stared at the ticking clock of my last class, history.

In just a few seconds the bell rang, and half of the class was already out the door. I quickly stuffed my things in my bag, and made my way down the halls. Luckily, I didn't run into Bangchan on my way to my locker.

I saw Hyunjin and Seungmin walk out the main entrance doors, and I ran up to join them. "Hi hyungs." I greeted.

The two turned, and smiled at my presence. "Hey Jeonginnie." Seungmin replied cheerfully.

I felt that Hyunjin put his arm around me, and saw that he did the same thing to Seungmin.

As we walked down to the student parking lot, Hyunjin was complaining about how Jisung always tries to pick a fight with Felix, and now Minho has a seething hatred towards Jisung even though the two never spoke. Changbin also has something to do with this, but the elder interrupted his own rant by pulling Seungmin and I behind a car.

"What the heck?!" Seungmin said, slapping Hyunjin's arm. Hyunjin was unfazed, and kept his eyes fixed on one spot.

I poked my head up, and instantly made eye contact with Bangchan who was on the other side of the street. I quickly lowered my head and looked at the others with wide eyes.

"Oh my god! I think Bangchan saw me!" I whisper shouted.

Hyunjin's eyes widened as big as mine, but Seungmin seemed confused. "Wait, Bangchan's out there?" The latter asked, taking a peek.

Hyunjin hurriedly shoved his friend's head down. "Hey!" Seungmin shouted, only to get his head slammed into Hyunjin's chest. Seungmin threw punches at his friend's stomach, but the elder continued to watch Bangchan.

We stayed crouched behind a car for a solid five minutes before Hyunjin let out a sigh of relief, and let his friend go. Seungmin's hair was messy and his face was flushed red, probably from lack of air.

He glared at Hyunjin, and gave him a hard punch on the arm. The elder winced, but didn't complain.

"Is he gone?" I asked.

Hyunjin turned to me and shook his head. "No, but Woojin's there, so he's going to be our distraction. Let's go." He said, grabbing Seungmin's hand along with mine. The three of us stood up, and after doing a few stretches we started walking.

I took a glance at Bangchan, and found him leaning on a shiny black car talking to Woojin who was leaning on the car across from him.

"Damn, Bangchan's car is nice. Must be loaded." Seungmin said. I nodded in agreement. Hyunjin just rolled his eyes and kept walking.

Soon, we came to a stop in front of a white car where a woman sat inside. The window rolled down, and she leaned out. "What took you so long Seungmin?" She asked.

Seungmin opened the passengers door and put his backpack on the seat. "I busy being suffocated by him." He complained, pointing at Hyunjin.

The woman sighed and shook her head. She looked at me, and smiled. "Who's this?" She asked.

Seungmin looked from the woman to me, and jumped a bit. "Oh, sorry mom, this is Jeongin. He's in first year like me." He said.

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