Chapter 36

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(...1 week later...)

So much chatter could be heard as I made my way down the halls from my last class of the day. Everywhere I turned I heard someone giggling about the Grand Music Fest. My heart pounded at the thought that I might be debuting, but my logical side told me not to get my hopes up.

I sighed as I shut my locker door and watched my slides flop to the floor. As I put them on I felt my phone chime, and took it out to see a notification I forget I even set.

End of bet.

I repeated it in confusion, but when realization hit my eyes widened a bit. "Well that ended quickly." I voiced. "Now I got to find Bangchan."

As if on cue, I could hear Bangchan coming down the stairs with a bickering Jisung behind him. I was about to approach them, but another idea popped into my head that made me smirk mischievously.

Bangchan walked down holding Jisung by his ear while Changbin was chuckling behind them.

"How many times have I told you to not speak informally to me?" Bangchan scolded, twisting Jisung's ear. The latter winced, and hurriedly tapped Bangchan's hand that was connected to his ear. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" Jisung cried.

I giggled from my hiding place, and decided to save Jisung from Bangchan's wrath.

"Psst." I whispered.

Luckily, it got the attention of Changbin who glanced over in my direction with furrowed eyebrows. "Umm, Channie-hyung, I think the closet's calling us. Do I need to be worried?" He asked, taking a step back.

Bangchan stopped twisting Jisung's ear, and turned over to where I was. I saw him visibly shake his head, then he finally let go of the younger boy.

Jisung hurriedly rushed to Changbin's side even if the elder wouldn't help him in the slightest. As soon as the youngest felt safe, he began to rub his red ear.

As Bangchan walked up to the door, I suddenly popped my head out in hopes of scaring him. "Boo." I said in a Felix deep voice.

Bangchan looked to me with a raised eyebrow, and crossed arms. Jisung, on the other hand, let out a high pitched screech when he saw me, which then triggered Changbin to jump from the loud noise.

"Nice try." Bangchan said, ruffling my hair. I narrowed my eyes with a frown. Dammit. I mentally cursed.

Bangchan turned to his two friends, and tossed them his keys. "You two go on ahead, I'll be out in ten." The elder said.

For some reason my face started to heat up, and I backed up a bit more into the room so the darkness would cover the redness of my cheeks.

Changbin started to cough loudly. "Excuse me?!" He choked.

Jisung yanked me out of the closet, and used his body to protect me. "What the hell are you thinking Bangchan? We're not gonna leave you alone with this minor in a dark closet. Just what the hell are you two planning to do?!" He yelled.

I mentally groaned in embarrassment as I covered my hot face with my hands. They go from jerks to weirdos. What have I done?!

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