Part 9: Don't leave me

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Corl's POV

There was chaos all over the place. Me, Y/N and Elijah were hiding behind the wall. On the opposite side were some people talking about a terrorist attack. We were not at all visible but could hear every single word.

"Don't go towards the main hall, we would be easily visible there." Man one said.

"I think we should go to the 104th floor, I'm pretty sure there would be a lot of people there." Said Man two.

Only one building had 104 floors in New York, the World Trade Center. And fortunately, that's where Denis and Alex are, looking for us.

This was so exciting, hearing how your friends will die. We couldn't let this happen.

Suddenly both the men agreed and started running towards their car.
We of course followed, since we knew where they were going.

When we reached there, Y/N called the police. Surely we can't handle this without them. The police was on their way, but the terrorists were already inside, somehow.

We ran inside and went through all the checking, then ran straight for the 104th floor.

Looks like we were a bit late, cuz there was fire all over the place.

Denis' POV

The only thing I could see were the faces of my friends, and fire, of course, fire all over the place. I was about to run for my life, but I realized that I was trapped.

I couldn't see anyone now, so I assumed that everyone is safe. I was okay with that, at least my friends would survive.

I was wrong apparently, Y/N was stuck too, right beside me, we both were separated by a wall of fire.

"Y/N! Run!" I said as I cleared the fire in front of her with the only water I had. She got out easily and was relieved.

"Denis, what about you!?" She shouted. "If you were thinking that I will leave you like this, you are wrong." She tried to clear out the fire, but it was hopeless. "Y/N go away! This is not safe! Forget about me, I will always remember you." I tried to explain with tears in my eyes.

"But I can't!" She cried.
"One life saved is better than no lives saved, Y/N, please go." I protested. The ceiling started to rumble, it would fall any second now.

"GO!!" I screamed. "Y/N this is the last thing you would hear from me, it depends on you, if you would listen to it or not. GO AWAY RIGHT NOW!!"

This seemed to work on her. Tears were clearly visible in her eyes. "I love you." She said, before disappearing into the darkness.

The fire was spreading and I was sweating like crazy. Just a few more minutes before I die.

A miracle happened. From the corner of my eye, I spotted the police. The terrorists were lying there, deeply injured. I saw Y/N, who had a knife in her hand, she was fighting them like a tiger. So was Elijah, Alex and Braden. I felt like an idiot, who is about to pass out while his friends save him.

But at the same time I was so thankful. Finally, the fire was out and a I ran towards Y/N.

Looks like she didn't like that because she kicked me down and pointed her knife towards me. Then she looked down at me with bloody eyes.

"If you EVER leave me like that again! I SWEAR, I WILL USE THIS KNIFE!"
She shouted. Then her expression softened and she kissed me, this time while everyone looking.

"Yay!! First kiss!" Elijah said.

"They kissed two times before, you know that right?" Corl chuckled, I don't know how in the world he has that information, but oh well, he's my best friend.

Alex's jaw dropped. "Why would you not tell us that?"

I just smiled and held Y/N tighter in my arms. As we watched the moonrise from the tallest building in North America.

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