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   It Was TJ...
" Cyrus , I need to talk to you " said TJ.

We sit on the steps , waiting for one of us to break the silence.

" Soooo.. What did you want to tell me?" Cyrus Said.

" Before I say anything , will you promise it won't be awkward between us ? TJ said

"I don't think I could promise that" Cyrus said jokingly

TJ looked at me with a nervous look on his face

"I'm Only Kidding " Cyrus Said

TJ Looked relieved.

" I like you" TJ Said

"Are you sure?" Cyrus said with a confused look on his face.

" Yes , I'm Sure" TJ said

" So, Do you like me back?" TJ Asked

" Could you maybe give me some time to process this? " Cyrus Asked

" Sure but for how long?" TJ Asked

" Just a few days , don't worry" Cyrus said with a smile on his face

Cyrus hugged TJ

"Umm Cyrus?" A familiar voice said

" Jonah?" TJ Said

"D-did you hear our conversation?" Cyrus Asked nervously.

TJ looked at me with a smile

" I'll see you later Cyrus " TJ Said

" Umm, Yeah I'll see you later" Cyrus said with a smile on his face

"Are you blushing ? " Jonah asked

"Umm , no?" Cyrus said

" Well, umm is Andi Home?" Jonah asked

"Umm, yeah I'll go get her" Cyrus said

" He can't be over here right now , Cyrus!! Andi said

"Well can you atleast stall him ?" Cyrus asked

"Ugh, okay! Tell him I'll be out there in a minute " andi said

"What's going on ?" Buffy Asked with a confused look on her face

" Umm, Jonah's here!!" andi Whispered

"Well what are you doing?, Go talk to him!! Buffy said

Andi leaves and sits on the steps with Jonah

" I-I want to break up" Jonah Said nervously

Andi runs into andi shack

"Andi , Wait!" Jonah Said

"Haven't you done enough?" Andi said

" I'm sorry , it's just... I-I think I like C-Cyrus" Jonah Said Nervously

" Leave me alone " Andi

Jonah leaves

"What's taking so long , she should've came back an hour ago" Cyrus groaned

"Relax Cyrus , I'm sure she's fine " Buffy Said Reassuringly

" I'll go check up on her" Cyrus said

Cyrus leaves to look for Andi

"Andi!!!" Cyrus Yells

Not So Scary Basketball Guy ( TJ Vs Jonah)Where stories live. Discover now