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Andi didn't answer ...
There she was laying on the floor
Curled up in a ball , I didn't know what to say or what to do. It's so hard seeing her like this but what am I supposed to do?

*The Next Day *

I Got Ready For School, what a boring life... I know
I called Andi about a million times!!
It goes straight to Voicemail!
Is She Mad at me? I thought to myself
I look at the time and I'm five minutes late!!
Today was a quiet day, usually there would be breakfast ready in the morning. But Both My mom and dad had to work an early shift.
As I walk out the door I see Jonah

"Jonah? What are you doing here?" I asked

" I need to talk to you" Jonah Said

" Well can we talk later?, we're kinda late for school" I asked

"Can we just talk on our way to school ? It's Really Important" Jonah Said Nervously

"OK Fine , whatever!!" I said

"It's about Andi, Have you talked to her?" Jonah asked out of curiosity

"No , Why?" I asked

" Oh , no reason" Jonah mumbled

" Do you know why she would be mad at me?" I asked

"Umm... I have no Idea" Jonah mumbled

As we reached our destination I get a text from buffy..

Buffy: Cyrus, where are you?

Cyrus: I'm with Jonah we'll be there in a minute, meet us at the library.

Buffy: Okay , see you there ❤️

*At The Library*

" Buffy!" Jonah and I said In Unison

"Have you seen Andi?" Jonah Said

"No??"Buffy said

Not So Scary Basketball Guy ( TJ Vs Jonah)Where stories live. Discover now