Love Is Hell

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My Life right now ? Not so interesting ,yeah I know right?
My life is usually a complete mess but today just feels different. I finally feel Normal ( as if being normal is even possible!!) Well let me Introduce myself my name is Cyrus, Cyrus Goodman to be exact. I live with therapists or as some like to be called a "Life Coach". It kinda runs in the family.

Meet Andi, the one and only.  She's a very problematic person .. if that even makes sense? I can't forget about Buffy , she's always there when I need her. Well,we usually go to the spoon, ya know me , andi and Buffy and the occasional Jonah Beck! Everyone was busy today except for TJ of course . Where can I start ? His eyes are just so sparkly and face is just ... Perfect!
Wait? What am I doing ? I'm getting off topic. So where was I ? Oh right? So, TJ and I went to the spoon, and surprisingly no one was there. Shocking I know right? Me and TJ were close friends I could talk to him about everything. Well.. except for a few things. (PS: No One but andi and Buffy know this but I can't do a somersault.) Tbh I'm not surprised I hate going to the gym.

After the spoon we walked to the park. I remember it like it was yesterday, we officially met on the swings a few months ago. That was Such a fun day. But let's get back to the story. Soon after Buffy called me , we are having a surprise party for Jonah. He doesn't like surprises but we want him to know we care.

      Jonah hasn't been himself since amber left him for some other guy .. I forget his name but not important! Shocker, I expected Jonah to break up with her not the other way around!! Like come on he's Jonah Beck one of the most likeable people in the world. How could someone break such a loveable guys heart? But anyways Buffy and I met up at Andi's house to discuss our plans for the party. We knocked on the door she didn't answer we called atleast six times and Andi didn't answer. Not that I expected anything less from her. "She must be in Andi Shack" Buffy Whispered. Although I have no Idea why she was whispering. Anyways , we check Andi Shack and she's doing the usual always making crafts. Such a creative yet selfish person. I shouldn't be talking about Andi like that she's my friend. What am I doing?

We all went inside because we needed Bex's help. All of a sudden someone rings the door bell! Okay, you will never guess who it was! 

Sorry for the short chapter but I hope you like it!! I decided to start a different story because I didn't have any more ideas for the other one 😉

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