The Boys Are Back!

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Buffy: Cyrus Woke Up!!
Jonah:Wait.. What? When?
Buffy: Let's Go!! Hurry!
Jonah: Alright! Alright! I'm Coming!
Buffy: Gosh! Slow Poke!
Jonah: Fuck You, Buffy!
Buffy: What Time?
Jonah: Seriously???
Buffy: What!? Don't Blame Me!
Jonah: Okay I'm Ready

**Jonah and Buffy ride their bikes to the hospital**

Jonah: Cyrus!! Omg I'm so glad you're awake!!

Cyrus: Where is Andi?

Jonah: Oh So You're not excited to see me 🤧😭

*Buffy comes in*

Jonah Turns around and looks at Buffy

Jonah: Who's The Slow Poke Now? Bitch!

Buffy: Wait.. What did you just call me?

Jonah: ummmm... Sorry !! Please don't hurt me

Buffy: Cyrus!!!

Cyrus: Hey Buffy!

Cyrus: Where's Andi?

Jonah: Why do you want to see Andi? I thought you didn't like her..?

Cyrus: Well I just really want to see her.

Jonah: Oh ....

*Buffy texts Andi*

Buffy: Andi! Hurry Cyrus Is Awake

Andi: Wait What!?? OMG!


"Mom!! You have to take me to the hospital to see Cyrus, He's Awake!!" Andi Yelled

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute !!"Bex said

"Slow Poke" Andi Whispered

" What did you call me!" Bex Yelled

" Bowie , come get your daughter !" Bex Said

" She's your daughter too!" Bowie Said

"Alright we better get going." Bex Said

"You should come with us Dad" Andi Said

" I guess I will " Bowie Said

*At The Hospital*

Andi: Cyrus!!
Jonah: Why Does she have to be here?
Andi: How Rude!? I heard that!

Jonah: well atleast I don't cheat on people I love 🙄

Cyrus: What Happened to you two?

Jonah: It doesn't Matter!

Cyrus: Alright! Okay! Gosh, I think I hit a nerve

Cyrus: Well, Andi....

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