1- Routine

438 20 25

Danielle Nettie Davis

Danielle typically always smelled like fish.

She never minds it too much, if she did she wouldn't choose to work at a fish market. However, the girls she hooks up with from time to time do mind it. Apparently smelling like raw fish isn't a turn on, who knew? Danielle usually ends up dousing herself in lotion after a long shower, just to sleep with a woman, and it was usually worth it.

Though her schedule isn't a busy one, she doesn't find herself waiting around bars often. The crazy life of the girls she often picks up is not the life for her. Danielle prefers the simple life. Hiking and fishing are her favorite hobbies. But when she's with a woman for a quick one night stand, she discards her peaceful lifestyle. Danielle doesn't exactly lie per se, she just doesn't give much of herself away. The women don't want to hear about the trails around the forest or different types of fish.

Today isn't the day for women though. Today is a day for the fish.

Danielle wakes up at her usual time, 5:00 in the morning. She lives in nature outside of Seattle, Washington; right in a field surrounded by forest. The fish market she works in resides in the bay of the city, her commute usually isn't too long and the drivers are still too tired this early to be much of a bother.

She slips out of bed, already hearing the sound of roosters outside her window. Danielle sighs, missing the warmth of her bed. Although she deeply enjoys the chilly mornings, it just makes the blankets more cozy and irresistible.

The cold wood floor is always a shock when her feet hit the ground, she walks into her bathroom, beginning her routine. Her parents always wondered if she had a type of autism, but it was never confirmed. Partly due to their fear of having a diagnosis, Danielle wouldn't mind it though. Her love and need for routines are what concerned them, among a few other things, but Danielle never quite had enough of the symptoms so her parents pushed the issue to the back of their minds. 

Danielle herself never understood what was so wrong. Routines are a good thing. They keep you on track and you have a sense of control. This doesn't mean Danielle has to do the same thing every day, she just tries to implement a couple of routines.

The morning schedule has always been her favorite, although it's changed over time. The reason being is that this routine is done every day, it's mandatory. For a reason Danielle can't name, this brings her a small bit of happiness every day, its a small thing to look forward to.

Danielle washes her face with her charcoal face wash, she likes it because its black, an unexpected color for soap. Then she brushes her teeth with cinnamon toothpaste, one of her favorite flavors. Finally, she brushes through her hair that is cut short, below her ears but above her shoulders. Danielle typically pulls it back in a small ponytail, but some days she chooses a half-up/half-down style. Today she opts for the ponytail. Once before she considered dying her hair, but in the end, she couldn't part with the ginger locks. Since her father has the same red hair color, Danielle felt special to be connected to him in this way.

After making her bed, a task she never ignores, Danielle makes her way downstairs, climbing down the ladder. 

Her house has two floors, but the second floor is just a small loft, containing her bedroom and a bathroom. Her bedroom as a fence that looks over the rest of the house, allowing you to peer down into the living room and kitchen. Although her house looks like a DIY project, she didn't build it. It used to be an old barn decades ago but was upgraded and converted into a cottage. It's not painted the classic red and white colors, but it's easy to tell it was once a barn.

She walks over to the backdoor, then crouches down to slip on the boots that sit right beside. The boots are old and worn in, covered in dried dirt and scuff marks. Danielle didn't care, in fact, she liked them even more. She steps outside, not bothering to close the door behind her. After grabbing the chicken feed from the shed connected to the side of the house, she walks out to the fenced-in area.

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