Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Ymir's POV

173 Days Before

It was already my third day working in some shitty antiques shop. True, it was better than working as a waitress and some run-down bar. I got fired from punching a guy when he slapped my ass.

And there was a Starbucks next door, so on my breaks I could always get coffee.

And see the cute blonde girl.

I got flustered every time I went over there, because I made sure I went on her shift. I didn't even know her name.

She came in here one too, with her grandma. Her grandma got a picture frame, but the girl paid no attention to me.

Why would she?

It's not like I'm important. I'm just the cashier. Still, I wish she'd notice me.

Stupid blonde girl.

Stupid, pretty, blonde girl.

I didn't even know this girl and I was acting like she was the love of my life. She very well could be too, if only she'd notice me.

No one came in for the past twenty minutes, so I left my post at the register. Flipping the sign to 'closed', I left and headed for the Starbucks. I saw the cute blonde girl making someone's coffee. There was a fairly long line so I stood in the back, trying to see her name tag.

Another guy named James took my order. I still couldn't catch the blonde girl's name.

She moved so fast. She definitely wasn't new to the job.

Three people's coffee's were done before mine. The blonde girl called out their names. When she called out mine, I'd get her name.

"Grande decaf mocha, one pump hazelnut, hold the whip for Ymir." she said. She even talked fast too.

"Thanks..." I glanced for her name tag. "Christa."


The stupid blonde girl had to have such a pretty name. I put a slip over the cup and started leaving the coffee shop. If I could just talk to her, maybe we could be friends... or more than friends?

Oh, god, I liked the stupid blonde girl. I felt my face flush and I turned to see her again. She was so beautiful...

A regrettable choice. I backed over a trash can and spilled my coffee everywhere. I heard gasps and everyone was looking at me. There was coffee iin my hair, down my white shirt, even my pants.

i felt a hand grab my shoulder and pull me to my feet.

The girl.

It had to be the dumb blonde girl.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay? I'll get napkins" she rushed to get napkins. I was uncontrollably blushing again. She probably noticed, too.

She returned with napkins and wiped some coffee off my face.

"Um, Ymir, right? I can get you another coffee, I remember your order." I smiled and took the napkins. My hand grazed hers.

I started wiping the coffee from my hair and the floor. I'd smell like hazelnut mocha for a week. I watched Christa make me another coffee. She was so cute.

"I'm so sorry. Are you sure you're okay?" she brought me the drink.

"What are you sorry for? It's not your fault I'm clumsy."

"I know, I'm just sorry you got hurt." she brushed a lock of blonde hair out of her face. I smiled at her,

"Have a nice day, Ymir." she retreated back behind the counter. I waved to her and successfully leaving without tripping again.

Back at the antique shop, it was still dull. There was still no one coming in.

Not like I expected people to want to buy old family photos or chairs that smelled like an old lady's ass.

I burnt my thumb on the hot cup and moved it down to the slip. It uncovered a string of black marks.

It didn't look very much like my name, so I looked closer.

I was right. It wasn't my name.

The dumb blonde girl put ner number on my coffee.

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