Chapter 12

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(A/N: Okay, a chapter of a new fic will be published soon(ish?) but I still have no idea what ship to write about. I would really love some ideas/suggestions because I can't think of anything. Thanks guys, ily!)

16 Days Before

Christa's POV

        Starbucks was chaotic. It usually was like this on cold days, so nothing out of the ordinary. Only, today the line was so long, it went out the door, causing everyone to be colder than they already were. 

        People also got pretty rude on days like this. If someone's coffee takes too long, they get pissy, and I'm the one who has to deal with that shit. 

        Keeping up with everything wasn't ever easy for me; not just today. I would panic, make the wrong drink, give it to the wrong person, find some other dumb way to screw up. The possibilities were endless. 

        And then there was the occasional insult muttered at me when I did screw up. It wasn't anything that bothered me, just time to time I would hear 'stupid blonde girl" and one time, "damn it, Barbie, this isn't what I ordered." It was kinda funny to me. 

        I still wanted to scream at how fast things were moving today. I could barely keep up with my own thoughts. 

        Chai tea for Petra

        Iced tea, unsweetened for Samuel 

        God knows how many mistakes I've made today. 

        My coworker, Mikasa, is so much more focused than I could ever hope to be. She could take a person's order, write down their name and slide the cup to me without blinking. 

        Vanilla bean frap, extra whip for Mina

        The names and orders just flew by my line of sight until I caught a glimpse of one name in the line of empty coffee cups. 


        My eyes shot up, searching the crowd for the tall, freckled girl, but I didn't need to look far. Ymir was standing as close to the counter as she could be without starting a riot.

        "Pretty crazy, huh?" she looked around at the busy store. 

        "Yeah, more than usual. So, what brings you here?" I snapped the top of a coffee cup into place and called out the name over the masses of people swarming the coffee shop. 

        "Well, I have news that just can't wait." she had to yell to be heard over the chaos. 

        "Okay, so spill. I don't have a lot of time to spare. Damn it, Ymir, you couldn't have waited until my shift was over?" I started cleaning out a blender. 

        "I wouldn't be here if it could wait, seeing as how chaotic it is. I'm not that much of an ass." she chuckled. 

        "Go on." I put the freshly cleaned blender back into place and started on the next order. 

        "I booked the Italy tickets! With a bonus adventure." she grinned wider than ever. 

        "What o you mean?" I asked. 

        "Well, the flight I booked takes off in New York, so we might as well see the city while we're there." she shrugged. 

        "Oh my god, you're kidding." I looked up to see Ymir holding my Polaroid. Before I knew it, she took a photo of me smiling uncontrollably and laughed as it printed out of the camera. 

        "I wouldn't kid about something like this." she started shaking the photo, but she smacked a short guy in the face. He gave her a death glare and walked off. 

        "I could just kiss you right now, but remind me to do it later. When does our flight leave?"

        "Sixteen days."

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