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As a child I always wanted to be a hero. Someone who saves others and protects other no matter the cost, but being a hero requires one thing. A quirk, which is something I simply didn't have. This was fate blandly stating I couldn't be, did this stop me? No. Instead it directed unwanted attention on me, I was simply blinded by the truth, all these people were trying to prepare me to for my upsetting future. And what do I do? Ignored them a believe I still had a chance if I worked hard. Well my hard work is just not enough.

UA, the school for hero's. Something I was aiming for, but I just couldn't reach it. You see I applied but was rejected, however kacchan made it. No surprise there, but what was upsetting to me was based on his quirk his was unquestionably qualified. It makes sense for a bully to become a hero and not someone who is helpful towards others right? Apparently so.

I told the news to my mom about kacchan making it UA,and how I didn't. She was happy I didn't because she didn't want me to get hurt, but was upset because she knew it was my dream. She gave me a pep talk and cheered me up by playing uno and watching a movie. I loved my mom, she was awesome at making feel better no matter what. She somehow convince me to visit kacchan at UA to congratulate him. I knew that was a bad idea, but me being a believer of change was going to visit him when school started again.

Some even more exciting news is that my dad is coming home around when school starts. Many people believe my father is on a business trip overseas, but he's not. He actually went to jail for robbery, under the influence of alcohol, and drugs. My mom felt like telling that to other would give them a bad impression of what the family is like. My father isn't the greatest role model, and to be honest he wasn't really there for me when I was younger. I don't really remember him, so you don't really know father to well, but my mother always says he was funny, kind, very sarcastic and hopeful. Knowing my mother well, she always ignores the bad of people and only sees the good in them, so I'm assuming she didn't really tell me all about him.

Last summer, I ran into someone named stain. He taught me a new prospective, the this world is infected with fake hero's. This opened my eyes to the life we live in. Therefore I looked up to stain as a hero, a true hero. He also believe that I could become hero and he choose me to be his successor. I didn't want to let him down, I took notes and gave him names of I believe of hero's who need to be deleted from this world. He taught me how to fight even with a quirk, the training was ruthless and living hell, but me being determined I worked hard. We treated each other with respect and he was sort of like a father figure, even I'm not sure how a father should act, I never really had one.

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