Chapter 10 Channel 49

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Sorry quick interruption! Sorry for the really bad schedule of updating, it's gotten very bad. It's because of school, I have to study for midterms and praying I don't fail. Not only that, but I haven't got to thank you for all of you lovely people who actually enjoy my trash. I'm really grateful for you guys, you're awesome and don't forget that! In the meanwhile I know you want to read the story so here you go:
The loud sobs of the discovered body of All for one echoed through the broken building. He was no longer holding back, but instead letting all of his emotions out. I stood there in silence as the cry rang in my head. My body urged me forwards to comfort the small defenseless teen. I crouched down to him and engulfed him in a hug, he paused for a moment of hesitation. He didn't resist as I held him and let him cry on me, morning for the soul that has passed.

The Next Day..
The other members didn't have that connection with One for all, so it was just Tomura and I. When grabbed our shovels, but the problem is were would we put the body? Well it was a hard question, but we found a far out place and so we buried the body in remembrance. It was, I guess you can say, the funeral day to say our goodbyes. What was only one hour felt like a whole day, it's like time slowed down. The cool breeze danced in the grass along with the tree leaves. The rustling of the leaves, and the whispers of the wind seemed comforting, and peaceful.

We made it back to base safely, but oddly enough, Tomura stayed silent. I thought he would at least say something. I think I should give him space and wait till he wants to talk to me, when I look at him he looks as though he as many things upon his mind. I really hope he gets better, but my question is what will we do now? Or who killed the all might all for one? Are they really that strong? If they are that thing, is on the loose. What's its next target? The question were endless, popping up in mind continuously. To say the least it scared me that there something so dangerous to be able to kill all for one is out there somewhere, and is ready to strike any minute. Without a leader what are we going to do, Tomura to young and naive to take place of all for one. I sigh as the questions tired me out, giving me a headache.

I sit at the bar, laying my head down,beginning to think. I couldn't help it, the L.O.V will dismember due to no leader, and All for One would die in vein due to us not achieving his goal that he has left us. My thoughts were interrupted by the glitching of the tv screen. It made a loud staticky noise to were it was overwhelming. I stood up and went towards the tv, but as I got closer it grew intensely louder, making my ears ring violently. I pushed a random button and the sound stopped immediately. The screen stopped and turned black with 'AUDIO ON' in the left hand corner with a slight buzz and then showed the channel number. "Channel 49? Never heard of it." I said to myself. I waited for something to happen as the silence filled up the room. I was confused,'What's going on?' I thought to myself staring at the screen. I was about to turn the tv off when I heard an eerie laugh come from the tv."H-Hello?" The laughed made me have a similar shiver I have had before.

I sat down and turned the tv on while my parent were upstairs sleeping. I couldn't sleep, it has been hard to recently. I grabbed the remote and turned the tv on, it had a static screen in with the channel in the left hand corner. I leaned forward to looked at the number, it was one I haven't recognize before."Channel 49?" I whispered confusedly to myself. I tried to change the channel but it wasn't changing. I finally hit the top of the tv and the static stopped. I sat back down on the couch lazily as I watched what was on. It was a news channel describing a crime .

"Our number two hero, Endeavor,  Enji Todoriki, was killed by up coming villain 'Deku'."

I stopped listening,'Did I hear correctly? Did they say Deku?" I thought to myself confused. I shook from my thoughts and leaned in to continue to listen to the news.

"There was only stab wounds but in the vital organs, like part of the heart chamber and the liver. Along with a cut wounds upon the arms to the shoulders."

'No way that is the Deku I know. He would never do that, I mean he wanted be a fucking hero for god sakes!' He thought to himself. He looked back at the tv and it glitch. The screen showed a dark face that was hard to make out the voice was loud and hard to hear."Do———remember." I could make out what seemed like a smirked that send chills down my spine then went back was on, expect it was a different channel number.

"Sunday night means Sunday night football! .."

the rest started to faded as I looked down at my knees. I ran my hands through my hair,'What the hell did they want me to remember?' I was freaking out.  He grabbed the remote and flipped through the channels, it has to be here somewhere. Nothing. The channel wasn't there, my heart started to speed up and my palms began to sweat. My breathing began to pick up faster and faster. The tv nosies seemed so loud and I felt light headed. I grabbed the remote and turned the tv off.  I sat there; my breathing not slowing down. I turned the tv back on and see if the channel would pop up, nothing showed up again. I sighed,'I guess our tv isn't working, or maybe I dozed off and I thought it was real, maybe I was just really tired?" That made me feel more at ease as my breathing slowed down, though I knew that simply wasn't the case. I got up and went to the bed and curled in my blankets and fell into a deep sleep.

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