Chapter 14 The Escape

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7:24 AM
We traveled through the heavy morning fog, it felt as though it kept thickening, I brushed it off knowing am just imagining it. I trust Aki, but something isn't right, she seems on edge and fidgety. Maybe she is scared, she did say she was scared going on her own, but what's so scary out here to make her frightened to leave? Something in the equation is missing, but what is it? I looked over at Aki, she was constantly looking around, almost looking for something. She gripped on her backpack straps tightly, I looked back at the trail ahead of us.

"Hey Aki?" I gave her a side glance and continued to look ahead. Her head snapped at me and all her focus was on me,"Yeah?" She responded. "What dangers are here that makes you so scared you won't leave on your own?" I titled my head to make me not look so intimidating. "Oh, ah, well, when I was crossing with my group, we heard of this place. It said to be cursed place, the backstory of it is unclear but there is a theory about this place." She looked up towards the sky as the fog began to thin out. "oh yeah? What is it?" I asked genuinely curious but kind of nervous to know, after this place if cursed. "Well people say before quirks were actually a thing, people would have small samples of quirks. People fear of this power and not knowing what to make of that, they called them witches. The theory takes place in 1314, this girl had the samples of a quirk was banished to this forest at the age of 5. They brought priest to excise her. She was looked at differently and created cruelly, they eventually locked her up in a cabin with her sister. They hoped her sister, who was a maiden, could cure, what everyone thought, her demonic sister. There wasn't any progress done so they killed her sister hoping she wouldn't infect the people in the village, and kept the witch in the cabin. The witch supposedly died in her late 20's and cursed the land, some say they her wailing of her dead sister, others say she is still alive." She finished off. "Wow, that's so sad, too have your sister killed in front of you, and being held captive in that cabin for almost 20 years." I said with a frown at the sadistic story.

"Do believe in the myth or theory?" I asked. "Full heartedly, that's why am scared to venture on my own in this forest. I've been living on this cursed land for too long, but I don't think we will make out of here. It's said that the witch keeps in travelers and never lets them escape." She gulped in fear of just mention the situation. I looked over at her sympathetically,"Don't worry I'll help you find a way out of here, swear on my life I will!" I smiled at her even though I was scared myself. "Thank you Midoriya!" She hugged me, she let go wiping the forming tears in her eyes. With confidence seeping out of us we continued the trail.

11:03 AM
After around five hours of walking on and off of different trails, we reach a what looks the end of the forest. "Look Aki! It's the end, I told we would make it!" I said excitedly looking back at her. She was standing there with a smirked, it made me uncomfortable. "Aki?" I asked my voice cracking a little, still she didn't respond. "You fool, I can't leave." She said as she looked at the ground with an unreadable expression. I shifted my weight on my left foot in uncomfortableness,"What do you mean?" I asked swallowing. The atmosphere was tense and uneasy, I honestly felt a little scared. "Well, I need you to escape out of this hell hole. You see I was trapped here by my sister and the other  exorcist. I need to collect a certain amount of souls to break out of this curse land." She laughed,"And you just happened to be here and the last soul I need!" She had an evil face that was sinister. "You mean y-you're the witch?! H-How?" My voice was shaky as I backed away. "What did you do to Aki!" I yelled more confidently. "You still don't get it, do you?"the witch laughed. "There is no Aki! I killed her and used her body to trick you to get me out of here!" She said calmly. "She was foolish like you, too caring and selfless. I'll bring the world pain that I once felt!" She yelled angrily.

Revenge... that's what I want as well but why do I want to stop her when we're alike?

I felt paralyzed, shocked, we were just alike. A person very mad at the world and wanting everyone to feel the pain we terrible endure. How can I stop her when we're just alike? No, I just need to calm down and think. Am not like her, because, I will actually achieve my goals of revenge, she won't get a chance. She's the fool here thinking she can easily defeat me, that makes me laugh. "You have quiet the ego for someone who's been dead for years." I looked at her with a wicked smile. "Is that a challenge little boy?" She asked with a confident tone. "That's up to you." I responded, however I was struck with sudden realization, how am I supposed to kill her? She is a ghost and I don't want to hurt Aki's body. I was dragged out of thoughts by another question,"What are your intentions if you do defeat me?" She asked.

"Why would you like to know?" I asked as I ate a food pill I used in my battle with One for All. I need to stall for a little while till the pill takes affect. "Well as a quirkless loser, I want to teach the world a cruel lesson on the system they created and the fraud pro hero's who we worship. My goal is to be societies eye opener to the counterfeit hero's, even if that means bringing necessary violence." I said with a serious tone, which brought attention to my main goal and how am wasting time here. "I need to get out of here to achieve such greatness that only I can accomplish." I said positioning myself towards the exit. "Will you join me, you can accomplish more with me than by yourself." I darted my eyes at her,"And how do I supposedly do that when I yet to have escape this place?" She asked sarcastically but seriously. "Leave that up to me, so will you join me?" I asked holding out my hand. I was nervous, I wanted her as an ally, not an enemy.

Yesterday 1o:34PM
After I left the house, I shoved my hands in my pockets. I fiddled with the paper with fingers in my pockets,"What the fuck happened to him?" I whispered to myself. I reached my home as it was an half hour away from dekus house. I didn't realize it was raining until I walked into my house. My mother came to me in a rush,"Katuski, where have you been? Are you okay? Masaru get a towel quickly!" My mom cupped my face with a worried look as my father rushed for a towel. "A-am fine mom." I barely whispered, I was exhausted. This detective shot was tiring and was pulling me away from my family. "Come sit dear, we will make you a warm bath, and heat up your meal, you still hungry?" My mom asked. I simply nodded my head out of exhaustion, everything was spinning and nothing was making to much sense.

"Katsuki?" My mom had a very concerned and desperate face staring upon me. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm fine you hag." I tried to play it off cool to make her feel more at ease. I saw her take a breath of relief as she backed away from me,"Just making sure brat is okay." She smiled at me as she put her right hand on her hip, dad had arrived during the events giving the towel to me,"Don't worry katuski, we may give you tough love, but we really do care about you, so don't be hesitant to talk to us about anything." He said ruffling my hair a bit. I smiled and begin to dry my hair,"Thanks I'll keep that in mind." I felt more relax and at ease. "Well now we are done with the mushy stuff, am going to take bath, and I'll heat up my food, you guys and go ahead and head to bed." I assured my parents. My mom kissed my forehead and head to bed and my dad gave me a hug, we said our good nights and they head up stairs.

After taking a shower and heating up my food I headed towards the TV, almost forgetting to check in on the channel episodes. I switched through the channels till I reached the infamous channel 49, I couldn't believe it what I was seeing. "Fuck, Fuck, fuck.." I kept repeating, the others aren't going to believe this. I went to get a notepad to write the contact and meeting information that was presented on the TV screen. "Holy fuck, this address, no fucking way." I stared at the all to familiar address.

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