Chapter 2

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Hayes Pov

1 Period starts and I'm late. Hi um is this room 221 I ask shyly yes I'm Mrs.Richmond she responds with a smile hi I'm Hayes I respond shaking her hand well take a seat and everyone say hi to Hayes she says with a sweet smile to the class everyone groans and says hi Hayez um it's Hayes I correct but they all just glare at me um where do I sit I ask turning my attention back to Mrs.Richmond oh in the front right here she smiles I nod my head and walk to my seat and carefully drop my back pack I'll get you a locker at nut break she smiles okay thanks I respond with another smile.


Period 1 goes fast all the students are glaring at me in disgust well I'm not gonna have any friends I sigh to myself as I look at my schedule trying to find room 115 I run my hand through my hair and look around when I spot this guy with brown hair with a guitar singing a song he's actually pretty good hi my name is hayes your really good and I was just wondering do you know where room 115 is I ask thanks I'm Shawn and aren't you Nash's step brother he asks I'm his flesh in blood brother I shout that's not what Nash said and after he beat you up in the bus I'm pretty sure that's not a brotherly relation ship he smirks how did u know that I ask with a frown because I was the one guarding it with Aron he smiles my face heats up and everything spins are you alright is the last word I heard


What happened I gasped trying to get air but also rubbing my head you beat him up so hard he fainted I hear Nash's voice seek out haha yeah he was like please no and I was BOO and he fainted Shawn said my face heatens up again and I practically jump out of bed and open the door fast and shout YOU BIG FAT LIAR there faces are shocked that I heard AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE YOUR NOT MY BROTHER YOUR MY STEP BROTHER AND I HATE YOU! I yell even louder.

I turn around to go back to the room I was in but see mom and dad behind me ah mom dad hi how long were you standing there for I ask long enough mom says as she grips my arm a drags me outside with dad and Nash hot on our heels mom opens the door fast and shoves me in and says I'm going to come back and when I do you gonna have the biggest lecture of you life she yells as she slams the door ugh not my mom to I sigh and put my head against the window and close my eyes.

I hear the door open making me fall on to the concrete I let out a small yelp feeling a headache coming on get up Nash yells as he kicks me on the side I roll over to see Nash looking at me pissed what do you want I whisper loud enough for him to hear he grabs the collar of my shirt and lifts me off the ground making me whimper huh you scared he mocks get away from me I shout back trying to get his hands away from my shirt shut up he responds and slaps me across the face your lucky mom and dad weren't there or else I would have pounded you and knocked you out and pretended you were still asleep he laughs I close my eyes tight and before I know it Nash throws me into the car and calls me worthless and everything goes black.


Sorry For The Cliffhanger guys don't hate me I'll write more in the afternoon peace out love y'all ✌️

Bullied By My Brother And His Friends (Hayes Grier Story) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now