Chapter 40

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Baby come through like chapter 40! And I'll spam you! (Lol trying to rhyme and it's not working 😂.)

And thanks for 5K! Love yall 🎉🎊🎉

Jamie's Pov (SUPRISE!)

Once I got the call from Hayes mom saying he was in the hospital my heart dropped.

What did Nash do this time hopefully it's not permit.

I know Hayes cheated on me with a guy but something tells me Hayes didn't mean to because who would spend a beautiful night on top of a restaurant and carry my sleeping body home?

Hayes maybe have hurt my feelings when he kissed the other guy but something makes me wanna forgive him well maybe it's cute smile or his eyes or his hair but whatever it is I LOVE IT!

And it can't keep me away but I know Hayes loves something about me.

He's always sniffing my hair looking into my eyes 24/7 and drooling so I think both or us need one another's thing that perfects us I guess but that's what makes are relationship perfect!

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard yelling.

Huh I asked into the phone

Honey you weren't answer Hayes mom says worried

Oh don't worry Mrs.Grier I was just looking at something I quickly respond

Oh honey you have made Hayes the happiest boy on earth and your calling me Mrs.Grier she cheerfully says

Oh um I'm sorry mam I.. But I was cut of by Mrs.Grier

No call me Elizabeth my name is Elizabeth Grier

Well okay Elizabeth I chuckle

Okay so where is Hayes is he alright? I ask

Well I think he was stabbed in the arm 5 times she sighs

STABBED?!?!?! Now Nash has gone toooooo far!

Um Mrs.Grier I mean Elizabeth I have to go I'll be there in an hour

Why not come right now? She asks

We'll because I have business to take care of (Beating Nash up) I smirk

Oh well hurry because I think Hayes wants to wake up to see you

Well I can't make it in time and he's still passed out I ask

Yep and okay call me when your in the front of the hospital sweety she giggles as she hangs up

now to get Nash!!!!


I love Jamie's beating up people side!

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