Chapter 56

725 15 2

Update 6 Times Today so tomorrow might be an off day


Hayes Pov

I woke up to a soft voice humming

I open my eyes to be blinded by the sun.

Hayes your awake the voice cherishes

I squint my eyes to see Jamie

Jamie oh my god I missed you I cry hugging her as tight as I can

I caaant breeeath Jamie chokes

Oh haha sorry I blush letting go of the hug.

Ugh I groan in pain after letting go of her

You okay she asks

Ugh my stomach feels like... Ugh I groan

Oh Nash Carter and Shawn didn't hurt you that bad did they she asks

What are you... But that's when it hit me Nash Shawn and Carter ganged up on me!

Who saved me????

Jamie was that you who saved me I ask

Well I wouldn't let them beat you she crumbles

Well Jamie I have a present for you I smile

Really she bursts out in excitement

2 surprises actually I smile

OMG show me! She practically shouts

Well 1. I got ABS I yell showing off my abs

OMG! She says feeling my abs

Hey I whine that tickles I giggle

Haha so what's my second gift she asks

Oh your second one is perfect! But before I show you it you got to turn around she swiftly turns around and I quickly and quietly grab my Chapstick and spray.

I open the Chapstick but an cut of by surprise when Jamie swiftly turns around giving a sweet sent of her hair.

She kisses me on the lips and I quickly push her off.

She looks at me confused but I start laughing

What's so funny she asks a little hurt

You took my surprise I giggle

But now I think I get a second chance I yell attacking her with a kiss she wraps her legs around my waist and wraps her arms around my neck as we kiss.

She uses her tongue to push past my lips and into my mouth I quickly accept and let her explore my mouth while dancing with my tongue

He finally get tired and fall onto the bed with her arms and legs still wrapped around me.

Jamie I whimper

Yeah Hayes she responds

I love you I smile

I love you to she smiles back

We just ly there in each other's arms listening to each others breathing but I soon start to fall asleep while Jamie follows


Omg Cute!!! Now this story made me tired

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