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I can't believe they put me in a  glass box.

Well this sucks. My butt is numb from sitting for 11 hours straight and my legs are asleep. This better be an important task because if it isn't I'll be using someone's pen as a weapon.

Oh it's really bright out!

Has the sun always been so bright, it's hurting my eyes.

Wow Korean military is much bigger than the one is the USA. I felt heavy metal cuffs weigh down my wrist . I look at the general and corporal with a questionable expression.

"We can't escorts you without putting you on leash." Corporal mocks. I roll my eyes.

A Korean male caning towards us with a blue uniform on and u won't lie,  he looked cute in it.

"Hello, my name General Kim Yoel and welcome to South Korea" he sticks out his hand to General Carral. General takes his hand and starts, "my name is General Adams Carral and over there is Corporal Shawn Evans......and our leading lady in cuffs.....miss Bell Higgins"

I roll my eyes at how cheesy he just introduced me.

General Kim looks at and I just wave and "hey" with lazy eyes.

"Come, I'll show you to the main base" general Kim spoke well English for a Korean. As we walk through their battle field , they are more advanced with their equipment. Kim starts to explains some things.

"For months , we've been trying to pinpoint and catch the notorious gang known as BTS-" "what does that stand for?" Corporal asked cutting general Kim off.

"Bangtansonyoendan which translate into-" "Bulletproof boy scouts, yeah um.....are all you weapons built here in Korea or do you import them yourselves?" I interrupted their children conversation.

"Don't mind her" General Carral interrupted my question.


"Actually yes we make our own weapons.......anyways were here"

Oh wow a boardroom filled with high end rich people who looks like they care about politics............and where going in. Yay

The second I step into the boardroom ever one reaches for their guns and points it at me.

I am not amused.

Even the security guards with riffles are pointing a red dot at my head.

Still not amused.

"Wow wow, settle down everyone, she's cuffed,  she can't do anything" General Kim reassured them as I wiggle the chains on my cufflinks.

"That's a lie" I said under my breathe .

A Korean woman stood up from her chair and started yelling in Korean. "That little bitch stole 7.5 million dollars out of my personal account!"

That's too much to even be in an account.

Another spoke but in English, "she killed 3 of south Korea's of top 7 wealthiest men!"

"Now that's where you're wrong, I didn't kill them , I assassinated them . Big difference and All 3 of them were high end merchant drug dealers !" I scold.

One of the US guards shoves me saying "have some respect".

"Now that is no way to treat a lady" a voice  chuckles from the staircase.
Everyone stood up from their seat as the Asian man steps onto solid ground.

"Governor Chul we were just-" the big mouth Korean lady started but was hushed by the wave of the Governor's hand. General Kim bows to him , " Governor this is General Carral and Corporal Evans.....and this is Miss Bell Higgins"

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