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My attention still trailing the car . Hajoon still talking whatever his saying.

"I'm going after them"

"What! No! Absolutely not! HIGGINS! YOU BETTER NOT GO AFTER THEM-" I ripped the ear piece out of my ear cutting Hajoon off.

Start that chasing gang music.

I put the car in sports mode. This is going to be fun. I tramp on the gas pedal, the car starts speeding down the street by now the bangtan is way ahead but not for long.......not as this speed.

"Woooooooww" I yelled in excitement, this is so much fun

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"Woooooooww" I yelled in excitement, this is so much fun. Usually I'm the one that's being chased.


"So is all of there"

"Has to be there's like 12 fucking bags in here" the blonde criminal smirks evilly. He then looks into the mirrors and notices an neon orange lamborghini

He looks into the mirror with nasty annoyed look. "Look at this prick " he scoffs. "What are talking about?" His leader who had ombre grey hair asked. "Orange Lamborghini behind us"

"C'mon Yoongi hyung, let him have his fun" The leader kept his eye on the road knowing if he didn't they would both be dead.

"It's fucking annoying" Yoongi crosses his arms.

"Speaking of him, his been following us quite a while you don't think-" "can't be no one knows it's us in the car" Yoongi cuts Namjoon off.

"Make a left here" Yoongi watched closely and low and behold , his leader was right. Their being followed.

"Namjoon speed up!"

He stepped on the gas pedal increasing their speed. "I'm goons try get rid of this fucker" Yoongi curses in Korean.



"What the fuck, fucking dicks trying to kill me?" I'm sure by now they found out their being followed.

And wants to play dirty, fine let's play. I sped up to get closer to them until I was next to them. They shot my window open.

I took my gun starts shooting. Shitty being the driver for this situation. I couldn't see their faces , they were wearing pure black shades.

Whilst I'm shooting I realise I'm about to drive into an oncoming truck, I swerve quickly. As the truck passes by so does some other cars. When I look for them.

Shit they disappeared.


The mirror was shot off. Their behind me.

Okay this may be risky but when am I not risking my life. I sped up faster, pulled handbrake til the car was turned right around and put the car in reverse. I faced, I could see them in the car. I smirked and reversed backwards. I shot my windscreen open to get a better aim. I shot their windscreen.

Wait when did they switch places. The blonde haired male smirked back at me. He swerved the car into another lane. I looked back onto the road, I was about to hit the dividers but before I could change direction I hit the divider. I heard the metal of the car bend and scratch along with an airbag puffed up in my face.

My head felt a bit dizzy. I looked into the top mirror and saw the BMW drive away and out of their window appeared a pale hand raising it's middle finger.

"Fffuck" my head hit the airbag passed out.


"What the hell were you thinking!" Hajoon scolded rushing up and down in my living room.

"I told you not to go after them, what did you? You went after them and you got injured" he raises his voice.

I roll my eyes.

"You went after them when I told you not too. I told you stay where you-" "actually I took my earpiece out the second you told me not go. I didn't listen to whatever else you said" I said scratching the back of my head.

He pinched the bridge of his nose. I got up from where I was sitting, walking towards the refrigerator.

"Where the hell do you think your going?" Hajoon questions me. "Wow chill the fuck out dude! I'm just getting something to drink"  I gave him a dirty look.

The coldness of the refrigerator sends cold chills up my spine. The glass bottles ting against one another as I grab one out.

"Is that........alcohol?" Hajoon asked narrowing his eyebrows shifting himself on the couch.

I gave him the 'are you serious' look when it clearly states on the bottle juice drink in all caps.

"No you dumb fuck! You can clearly see it says juice!"

I popped the bottle cap off and walk my way to the balcony ,climbing onto the thick railing.

"Now where are you going?" He asked again.

"Rooftop" I said bluntly climbing up onto another railing. "Why don't you just use the stairs?"

"And why don't you get an actual life!" I yelled climbing onto the roof.

I sit myself on the ledge of the building swaying my feet in the air like a child on a high swing. As much as I hate heights I like sitting on building ledges.

I took another gulp of my tropical juice. Savoring it's taste. I still wonder why did I dream about those men. Who happens to be Asia's most wanted.

Ah! My head hurts!

Probably because of that dreaded car accident. That blonde asshole from BTS is gonna get what's coming to him. I must admit he is cute looking but he'll be dead before I can even lay even a kiss on his cheek.

"Oh wow this has Hajoon's name on it. Oh well my lips were already on it" I look down at the bottle.

I hear a distinctive sound coming from my stomach. Gggghhhhhrrrrgggg.

"Hm I must be hungry- oh shit" my hand accidently knocks the bottle off from the ledge and lands on another being's head. He's body collapses to the floor.

"Woops, my bad!" I loudly apologised. I get off the ledge and rather take the stairs down this time.








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