1. Dawn's POV

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"I just don't want to be with you anymore, Dawn. I'm sorry, but I think we should see other people," Brian said. That was all it took for me to break down on the spot. Brian moved out of the seat to go sit with his other friend, looking over at me once in a while with sympathetic glances.

Maybe if my car wasn't in the shop, maybe if I hadn't been so stressed out with school and exams, maybe if Brian actually loved me, maybe... My life just has to be full of 'maybe's, doesn't it? Maybe I was too clingy. Maybe I wasn't good enough. Maybe I'm just un-lovable. That's it. That has to be it. Un-lovable.

I ran down our street and rushed to the door. Mom was home so the door was unlocked. I ran into my room which, luckily, was far from the front door. The tears were coming fast and furious and were soon streaming down my face. I locked the door behind me. I slipped off my backpack and shoes. I sobbed. Those big hiccup-like sobs that could be heard across the street.

"Dawn, are you okay? Open the door," Mom asked, talking to the door.

"N-no." I stuttered as I put my head in between my knees and I sank to the floor.

"Why not?" she asked caring.

"Brian broke u-up with me on the bus this afternoon," I sobbed. Brian was my long time boyfriend of 3 months. He told me he loved me. Not true. how many other lies did he tell me?

"Open the door and we can talk about it. Though, I have to say, there are some people here to see you," she said, voice calm and everything else quiet. Who could it be? Everyone I know was at home, unless.... No! Don't bring yourself down more, Dawn.

I groaned and grumped to the door and thought I saw Louis Tomlinson- yes the Louis of One Direction- near the kitchen doorway.

I wiped my tears away and rubbed my eyes, thinking the combination of my contacts and the tears are making me see things. I sniffled. He was still there- stupid hallucinations- and I was still crying. My poor leaky face... Luckily I wasn't wearing any make up today.

My mom wrapped me in a hug. I hugged her back, letting her shirt soak up my tears. By the time she pulled away, some 20 minutes later, the rest of One Direction was in the doorway. "Am I hallucinating, or is One Direction watching me cry?" I asked my mom, laughing a bit at the end. I know the answer, though I never knew hallucinations we're this life-like.

I heard six soft chuckles and knew that my One Direction hallucinations were real. So One Direction's in my house. One thing to keep from crying my guts out. Wait- ONE FREAKING DIRECTION IS IN MY FREAKING HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As you can imagine, it cheered me up, a lot. My face only barely leaking. My Directioner heart was dead and my real heart was pounding and my mind was in shock. My face sniffed and my body walked up to them and touched their faces. My Directioner heart died, came back to life, and promptly died again.

I touched each of their faces, making sure they were real. I was shorter than them, but only by a couple inches or so. I reached Niall Horan at the end and pinched his nose.

He chuckled- these guys chuckle a lot- at my choice of spots to touch and suddenly I gave him a great big hug. I was really in need of a Horan hug. The Niall kind... He took exactly .003 seconds to respond and hug me back.

"How come he gets a hug and I don't?" Harry complained. "Doesn't anybody want a Harry Hug?"

"Niall's famous for his hugs and you're famous for banging old ladies. I'm only seventeen and no," I said, still hugging Niall. This adorable Irish boy... Gosh, he's just so huggable! Curse his hugableness!

"I thought we were famous for our music." Louis said, mocking shock.

"You are. These are your own separate famous-inalities." I said. I was more myself now. I was making up words again. I love to make up words. Whenever I have the chance, I like to make up words.

Yet, my voice was still thick crying. The tears were slowing down by now, but still going. I can't help but feel sad. I loved Brian. I can't get over him that quickly.

"Okay..." Liam trailed off. "Do you know why we're here?" he asked. I slowly pulled away from Niall, resting my hands at my sides.

"No... Why are you here?" I asked.

"You won our contest!" Liam exclaimed. I furrowed my eyebrows thinking of what contest I entered that I could have possibly let me meet One Direction. Oh yeah! That contest that said you have a possibility to meet one celebrity of band of your choice. I entered One Direction thinking I couldn't possibly win. But here they are in my kitchen.

"They've been here since one fifteen," Mom spoke up from behind me.

"You've had One Direction here for two hours? Where's the mess?" I went on guard.

"No mess, I promise. They're quiet interesting people," she said.

"I can't believe my own MOTHER got to meet some of my favorite people before I did!" I said, and mock gasped. She started to chase me and I ran behind the boys only to run again, this time under the table. She finally pushed past the boys and looked both ways trying to find where I've gone.

I'll admit, the area under the dining room table wasn't all that comfortable, but it will have to do. I was trying very hard not to burst into fits of hysterical laughter. It's amazing how my mom can make me happy in just a matter of words. She truly has a gift.

My real full name is Theresa Dawn Browne, but I like Dawn better so everyone calls me that. I mean if I had kids, I don't want to be known as 'Mother Theresa' you know what I mean? Interrupting my thoughts, someone slid under the table and sat with me. Louis Tomlinson. I'm hiding under a table with Louis Tomlinson! I will never get over this. Out of all the guys, he was my favorite. He reminded me of my mom, in a good way. They both had the same absolutely crazy personalities.

"Hey," he whispered. Gosh, his accent was adorable.

"Hi!" I whispered back, trying hard not to laugh. I chose this time to take in everything about him. He was shoe-less, but they're were no shoes allowed in our house so it was typical. He had on gray skinny jeans and a pale blue and dark blue striped shirt on. Something I haven't seen on him before. His hair was styled to that perfect wispy, windblown, feathery style that I basically drool over sometimes.

"Why are you under here?" he asked. I wish I had an accent like his. Stupid American heritage!

"Oh, y'know, just casually hiding from my mom under a table and being upset." I said.

"Why are you upset?" he asked, genuinely curious. He's so cute when he's curious. Oh, who am I kidding?! He's cute all the time!!

"My ex boyfriend, Brian, broke up with me today. I don't know why. I just feel like a bundle of pure sadness." I said, deflating, and bringing myself down again.

"Aw come here!" he said before taking my head into his lap, face first. Well, this is awkward. Not for him, but for me. My ear is pressed up against his... you know what. He pet my hair and rubbed my back. Like I was a freaking dog! Gr....

"I recently broke up with my girlfriend, too." he said sadly.

"Eleanor Calder? But... but you guys where perfect for each other!" I said, muffled a bit by his pants, my Elounor heart breaking.

"She began to get pushy and demanding I spend every minute with her. Even if I was sleeping or recording in the studio. It got really super annoying so in the end, I got so fed up I broke it off. I'm not sad though. It was the right thing to do. What happened to you?" he was perfectly at ease confessing his feelings to basically a stranger.

I, on the other hand, couldn't do that. The pain was still pretty fresh. "Well, I thought everything was going perfectly fine then out of the blue, he broke up with me! He just said we should end it." I said, voice thick. Don't cry, Dawn, don't cry. You will NOT get tear stains on his pants!!

"I'm sorry," he said, comforting me. It worked surprisingly well, considering it just happened. My phone rang in my back pocket. I pulled it out and saw that I had an incoming call from Brian. I unlocked my phone and pressed ignore. I slid it back in my pocket after turning it off.

"Eye of the Tiger huh?" Louis asked, raising and eyebrow.

"Yeah, it's one of my favorite 80's songs," I smiled.

•end of chapter 1•

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