5. Dawn's POV

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Okay, so first off, I do NOT know if any of these medical things are true, so best to not take my advice on this. My friend was telling me she read the cliffhanger part and she told me she accidentally said "Louis, don't go!" out loud. Just a funny story for you :) ~Dana :)


I was really panicked and worried. What if he doesn't make it? What if he does, but forgets everything? If he does, will he still want to be friends with a girl who wrote about that much heartbreak and hasn't experienced it? So many questions! Louis read Letting Go. Only the strongest of the strong read Letting Go. Strong willed, not strong muscled. I even warned my readers of that in the beginning of the book!! Louis must've thought he was strong enough. Stubborn monkey!!

The Doctor chose that moment to some into the waiting room. "Dawn Browne?" she called out my name. I jumped up and walked semi-nervously to her. "Are you Dawn?" she asked.

"Yes." I refrained from rolling my eyes.

"Come with me." we walked into Louis' room where he sat drinking, of all things, apple juice from a cardboard box. "He kept muttering things about you and Meg Cabot and Nicholas Sparks. Then it was 'Letting Go' and Meronica or Theador." she continued. Louis still hasn't noticed us. He was staring at the ceiling, lost in his own thoughts. "We believe he was in shock, but luckily, with our help and care, he snapped out of it." she smiled proudly.

"Thank you so much, doctor!" I said, bouncing on the toes of my feet. I walked over to him.

"Lou?" I asked, a bit nervous.

"Dawn!!" Louis yipped, looking at me. "I've been thinking about you! I think I really like you! Like not as a friend but like, like like. You know? I think we could be together forever!! Like Meronica and Theador! Except you won't die and I won't die so we can stay in love forever! We can stay in love forever while we're young like this! Young forever. Forever young. Foreeever young I wanna be foreeeever young!!" he started singing. What the... what in the world?!?!

"He's still in a fragile state that will make his emotions run high. His normal attitude will be amped up about seven times, but will only last for an hour, maximum." she informed me, over the angelic voice of Louis singing Forever Young. Gosh. As every directioner has said, Louis has a voice that could get a girl pregnant like that! *snaps mental fingers* Well, Niall, too, but I'm with Louis and he's singing at the moment.

"Oh da- darn!" I said, covering up the cuss word I was about to say. Louis stopped singing, as much as I didn't want him to stop. He took my hand in his and looked adoringly in my eyes. AW!

"Dawn, I love you. I'll say it a million times until you believe me. I love you, I love you, I love you, Dawn. I need to know if you'll be mine. Pretty pretty please with Nando's chicken on top?" he cooed. Chicken? I always pictured in my mind whipped cream as the pretty please with a bright red maraschino cherry topping it off. Thanks, Lou. You ruined my sweet (pun intended) image!

"Sure." I shrugged my shoulders, going along with his silly antics.

"Yes!" he fist pumped with one hand while still holding mine in his other. (hand) "I'll go out and get you a ring and propose to you tonight. We'l get married in September. Ooh! Why don't we elope?!" he gasped at the idea. I giggled. "We'll honeymoon in Barbosa or Australia or France!" he said.

"Barbosa is a character in Pirates of the Caribbean." I interrupted him. He shrugged it off. I'm, eloping with Louis Tomlinson. I can imagine how the fans are going to take this..........

"Whatever! We can visit the Eiffel tower and we can have a kid named Tommy! I've always wanted a kid named Tommy Tomlinson! And, and.... and.... What am I saying?" he lost his enthusiasm. Oh Louis. Innocent, sweet little Louis... Well.... kinda. I'm gonna have FUN with this!!!

"You were telling me how much you love me and you're going to propose to me tonight. Our honeymoon in Barbosa, the Pirate, or Australia but I think you were pulling for Paris. You said you wanted to make a baby on the Eiffel Tower." Lou's eyes bugged as I told him this. "Don't tell me you didn't mean it." I pouted. I buried my face in my hands with fake sobs.

"Uh... w-well... uh... um..." he was tongue tied. I laughed at him, hidden behind my hands. "Why you little-"

"Language!" I cut him off, resting my hands at my sides.

We both laughed really hard. When we sobered up, he said enthusiastically, "Letting Go was really emotional. I didn't know you could write like that. It practically broke my heart! Screw Meg Cabot, you'd be bigger than Nicholas Sparks!"

I blushed profoundly and smiled at my shoes. "T-Thanks, Louis. It really means a lot that you'd say that to me. I had some pretty good inspiration when I wrote that, too." I told him.

"I can't imagine you'd be that in love with Brian." he mumbled, but I heard him.

'No, it wasn't about Brian. Brian didn't even read it. No, it was about my grandparents." Louis looked confused. "My granddad passed away a year ago and my grandmom was really heartbroken. I spent a lot of time with her, afterward so I knew they were so in love. I used to listen to her stories all day about life growing up and how it was living back then. How it was like raising my mom and any child in general. I loved those stories." I sighed at the memory. "I decided it would be the way for my new book. I was writing it and decided on an ending, but then grandmom died too, so I changed it. I imagined them being up there, together, as souls forever. My fans on Wattpad told me to send it to a publisher, so I sent it to Penguin. I haven't gotten a reply back yet." I explained. "I really miss them you know? They always were the best grandparents ever. Considering I haven't met my Dad's."

"I'm sure you'll get a reply soon. It was too good a book to let go to waste. I mean, I'm in the hospital because of it." Louis reassured me.

"Thanks." I stared at his bright blue eyes and I melted.

"What about your dad's parents?" he asked.


O end of chapter 5 O

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