4. Louis' POV

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Mork is like Mork and Mindy, that old TV show...


It's Sunday today and her mum is already out for work. I was hiding out in her room, scrolling through the things in her iPod. She had a lot of music. All of the Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, and Maroon 5 albums. She had our album and Ed Sheeran's too. She had a lot of music by a lot of different artists. I put the songs on shuffle and went through her apps. I remembering her having an Instagram from the twitcam so I looked at her pictures. She had some One Direction pictures, but I expected that. I clicked on a photo of me, and not to brag, but I looked really hottttttttttt in this picture. I read her caption which said: Okay so many of you've been asking who's my favorite in 1D. Personally, I love them all... But It'd have to be Louis. He's so charming and cute and funny and just plain adorable. And @Bonbon_bonnie hahahhahahahaha YES!!!! That's perfect!!!! XD

Wow. I didn't know I was her favorite. I mean, that's like a huge honor. Well, I'm tons of girl's favorites, but I actually know Dawn so it's special. :) Clicking on a few other pictures, I made a mental note to follow her. I looked at her notes in there and there was one titled Inside. Hmmm....

The Poem:

Inside we can't be heard

Inside we're total nerds

Inside we're total dorks

From that planet called Mork

Inside we're brave and courageous

Inside we're ourselves

Inside we cherish

Inside we care

Outside it's a whole other story

That's actually very boring

Outside we're another person

That does stupid things

Outside we destroy

Outside we don't give back

Outside we're insecure

Outside we don't stand a chance

Inside we express

Inside we're our originals

Inside we're red and purple

Outside we're cream or chocolate

Inside we share jokes,

Outside? We take notes.

Inside we have fun

Inside we are fine

Outside is our mask.

Whoa. That was............ Insightful. I didn't know Dawn was into poetry. I don't know a lot of things about her. I went back to the list and saw one titled Bucket List. I peeked at that one, too.

1) Kiss somebody suspended in air

2) See a R rated movie

3) Be in 2 places at once

4) Get my book published

5) Buy a chambray shirt

6) Learn to play guitar

7) Meet One Direction

8) Meet Louis Tomlinson and seduce him with my awkwardness because he fell in love with me (ha ha like THAT will ever happen Dawn, they don't even know you exist)

9) Write a poem and get a professional somethingorother to read it.

10) Fall in love. Real love.

Real love? How is that different from just love? And I highly doubt she could seduce me, but she already completed #7. I'm a professional singer and I read the poem that she wrote, so #9 DONE!! And she doesn't even know this yet............... Ha ha!! I returned to the home screen and saw that she had the Wattpad app. I opened her profile page and saw she had 7,000 fans!! She had one completed book entitled Letting Go. I opened it and read the first page.


I've finished Letting Go. It's the saddest story I've ever read! Basically, it's about this girl called Meronica, who fell in love with with this incredible boy, Theodore. So deeply in love that when he died, she couldn't stand it. She went to church every day and prayed that he'd be in a better place, even if it was without her. She gave up her virginity and entire soul and being to this boy. Little did she know, he was watching over her. Well, not over her like a guardian angel but like, viewing. His soul in a better place yes, but his soul-heart broke seeing her so heartbroken every day. It was like she was already dead, but living anyway because the body still hadn't broken.

She blocked everybody out, except her best friend, Lily. She cut herself and even contemplated suicide once. Then one day, when she wasn't paying any mind at all, she got run over by a delivery truck who's brakes were broken. She wasn't able to recover, and she was happy about that. Don't think anyone could be excited about dying, but apparently, I'm wrong. When she reached her final  destination, she saw Theodore was waiting for her. She ran into his arms and the talked forever. They were already dead so sleep didn't matter. They were very happy deceased souls. Together, forever.

It shows the true love really conquer all. Goes beyond this world, too. I lied down so my head was resting on Dawn's pillow and my feet were at the end of the bed. I let everything sink in. Some more tears ran down my wet face. I could only ever HOPE for a relationship like Meronica and Theador's. Not the heartbreak though. No one wants to experience that kind of heartbreak. No one. Ever. Then I thought about it some more and realized; Dawn could be so much more than the next Meg Cabot. She could be the next Nicholas Sparks. Hell, she'd be bigger than him.

I think I was in shock. Paralyzed. I don't think my mind could tell my legs or arms to move, even if they wanted to. "You guys, I found him!" Dawn stopped by the door and yelled. Four other pairs of feet stopped by the door, too. The boys. I closed my eyes, which had already drooped halfway. "Louis!" she thought I was sleeping. She tried pushing, rolling my body. I was no longer a part of it. I was up, up and away from Earth and One Direction and fans. "LOUIS!!!" she screamed in my ear.

She picked up my wrist and pressed he thumb to the inside of my wrist. She seemed relieved she got a pulse. Oh good. I was alive. I have a chance to find my MT (Meronica Theodore) true love relationship! She lowered her ear to my mouth. "He's breathing and living, bu-" she suddenly gasped. She grabbed her iPod from my hand and looked at it. I think she turned it off and shoved it in her back pocket, but I'll never know. I can't see anything. "Guys! We need to get him to a hospital. NOW!!" She screamed at them, frantically. I don't need to go to the hospital!

I tried to tell them, but failed. My mouth wouldn't even move. Okay maybe I need to go to the hospital... "What's wrong with Lou?!" Harry asked, worriedly. Aw, don't worry about me, HazzaBear! I felt hands being shoved under me and trying to lift me, but failing. The hands pulled out.

"We need to hurry!!! I can't lift him! SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP!!!!!" She was freaking out now. I wouldn't be surprised if she dropped dead or fainted on the spot. She was screaming, and very desperately.

"I'll get him." Liam said, coming to lift me up, bridal style. Daddy Direction to the rescue!!

I then slipped into a silent, numb, blackness. So peaceful. I think I'll stay here for a while.

Mmmm... sleep.

O end of chapter 4 O

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