~Chapter 2 {Part 1}~

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(Alex's pov)

I hear a ringing noise in my ears as I slowly try to open my eyes, and- oh god my back hurt. I raised myself up with my arms, a heavy, pained wince on my face. I could feel tight bandages wrapped around my torso, and the stiffness that came with hurriedly closed wounds. I saw my bag laying on the rickety table beside the bed, it's contents stuffed back inside none too neatly. The medical bag was out, but thankfully a little bit more carefully packaged. My weapons were laying on a dusty dresser not too far away, along with my boots. I saw a flash in the corner of my eye, but it was just a cracked mirror. When I looked at myself I saw my bow still firmly tied upon my head, in the same way it had been... Whenever it was I was last conscious. I let my eyes roam around the room lazily, almost falling out of my bed when I heard a loud snore from somewhere in the room. I saw the guy- what was his name? Jeremy? John? It didn't matter. He had bandages around his leg, and they weren't too bloody, so they must have wrapped him up pretty quick. Good. I walked across the wooden floorboard at a pace slower than what I would have liked- I really shouldn't get as injured as much as I do. I would have to rest up for a while, probably hole up at some apartment. I hoped I could find enough food, since the thought of scavenging in my condition did not sound appealing. I rummaged through my bags to find some of my loose fitting clothes. Not exactly the safest, but as I reached up to pull my shirt off and felt my back tug in protest, I decided I didn't really care. Now that my back was pretty much without clothing, I walked over to the mirror to inspect my injury. Hoping the guy (James?) didn't wake up, I loosened the bindings and gingerly touched the cuts. The first few times I flinched away, but eventually I was able to prod the wound enough to figure out my damage. There were five, fairly deep cuts, and they were stitched tightly closed. Sighing, I went back to my bag and got dressed, then re packed it neatly. I heaved my bags onto my back, fighting the brief urge to just pass out, and paused. Weren't these the people who were trying to kill me before the whole 'were loud idiots and got cornered' thing happened? I cushy my thoughts changing to the masked guy who caught me, and berated myself. I couldn't just stay here with these strangers, I had to keep moving. It's what I did. If I stayed, they could see my ears, and then I'd be as good as dead. I would like to stay a bit to clean up and rest, but it just wasn't how I worked. If I stayed with every rag tag group that I met, I would've murdered killed so many times already. I was about to jump out the window and across to the building beside it, but.. Would it be rude not to thank them? I obviously could wait around till they checked on me, so leaving a note it was. I dug around for a piece of paper, ripped out of an old journal, and a pen, taken from a gas station a while back. I scribbled down my message quickly, realising I had spent too much time here already.

/To whoever happens to read this;

Thank you for stitching me up. Thank you for catching me, masked man.

I left a couple of painkillers for your friend, seeing as you didn't already steal a bunch already. You'd better cherish those cans, not a lot of food around here.

Sorry for the whole... setting you on fire thing. At the hotel. But you really shouldn't point guns at people and not expect something bad to happen.

Anyway, I'm sorry, and I hope we're even.

The girl with the bow./

I left it on the now empty table, under the heavy, very full, very precious cans of food, and the pills. I whipped around when I heard floor boards creak from outside the door. I turned away and ran to the window, throwing it open with a bang. I saw the door open out of the corner of my eye but I didn't spend time to look at the person standing in the doorway. I sung my legs over the window, hearing them call out to me.

"Hey, hey, where are you going?" A girls voice I didn't recognise asked, but I couldn't care less about her in my adrenaline filled state. I sprung from my perch landing with a roll through the blown out window a floor below on the next building.

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