t w e n t y f o u r

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"Rick?" I say my voice breaking. "Where's my daddy?"

"Hey, hey, It's all right." Rick says placing a hand on my shoulder. "He's alive." 

"Where is he!" I yell tears rolling down my cheeks.

"We ran into your uncle." Rick says. "They went off." 

"He left?" Carol asks as I begin to sob. Rick just nods and I crumble to my knees. 

"My daddy left me? He just left?" I ask watching my tears pool together on  the ground. "Is he coming back?"

Ricks silence gave me the answer. My father wasn't coming back. He was with my uncle now, so why would he come back. Slowly, Rick helps me to my feet, and walks me inside the second gate before wrapping me in a hug and letting me cry. Soon enough Carl is at my side and grabbing my hand as we walk towards the prison. 

When we get to the yard, I take my hand from his and run to my cell with more tears flowing freely down my cheeks. Looking around I grab the nearest bag and start packing necessities. 

"Cheri, what are you doing?" Carl asks from behind me as I continue packing my bag. 

"Going to find my dad." I mutter turning around.

"You'll die." He tells me and I just ignore him rolling up my sleeping bag and clipping it onto my bag.  

"Guess what?" I don't care." I say wiping the tears from my cheeks.

"You don't even know where he is!" Carl yells at me and I roll my eyes and grab my crossbow before going to exit my cell. 

"That's why I'm gonna find him." I tell him attempting to get past the boy thats blocking my way. 

Suddenly his lips are on mine. It's a kiss much longer than our first and I stumble backwards. As soon as I do, Carl takes his lips off of mine and shuts the gate to my cell, locking it. 

"I care about you Cherokee, which is why I can't let you leave." Looking at his feet he turns around. "I'm sorry." 

"Carl!" I scream. "Carl let me out! You can't do this to me!"  

My screams don't seem to matter though. The boy in the cowboy hat is already down the hallway leaving me alone in my corner cell.


I've never felt more like a prisoner in my life.  There's a meeting going on at the other end of the cell block but I'm trapped in my cell because of Carl's stupid decision. If it weren't for him, I would've been with my daddy by now. 

Stupid boy.

Hearing footsteps approach my cell, I look up noticing Rick. 

"Let me out." I growl. He sighs reaching into his back pocket.

"Cherokee you know I can't do that." He produces an item wrapped in a small bandana to me. "He wanted me to give this to you."

I take the small item into my hands, cradling it gently. 

"Thank you." I mumble quietly.

He's about to walk away but he stops one more time looking over his shoulder. "He loves you, you know that right? You're his pride and joy- don't spend your life hating him." 

"I know." With that final sentence he walks away once again leaving me to myself. 

I sit down on the bunk, my head resting against the wall. Slowly I unwrap the bandana. There are two items sitting inside. I piece of folded paper, and a small knife. 

The knife, I recognize to be one of my fathers. It's one of his from his childhood and I hold the small item in my hand letting it balance on my fingers.  Next I go to the paper. As I unfold it, I recognize it to be some kind of note. 

My Rose,

If you're getting these, it probably means I'm gone. Even if I am gone, I just want you to know that I love you- even if I rarely showed it while you grew up. 

When you were born, I had no idea how to be a father, I was just some piece of shit redneck following his druggie brother. Yet when you came into this world, everything changed. You made me a better person. Everything I did, I did it for you. To give you the best life possible; to bad your best life is now in the world of the undead.  

I'm sorry you never got to grow up with the things other kids had. I'm sorry you never really had a normal life. Then again, us Dixons don't do normal do we. If I could give you the world- believe me I would Cheri.

I remember when you were growing up, even as a toddler, you always acted so much older than your age. I always thought it was crazy- that you were my kid and that smart. All those dumb assemblies were worth it every time your name was called. 

I've always cherished any tiny moment spent with you. Anytime you'd notice me after school waiting to pick you up and the way you'd yell 'daddy' and run into my arms made any struggle that day worth it. You're my light and always have seen the best in me. 

I love you so damn much Cheri. Always have, always will. You created my. best self. Hell he would never admit it but you did the same to Merle too. Just know that even if I'm gone, you're going to be okay. You're a strong girl, hell you're a Dixon. Keep fighting baby girl, if anyone can beat this world? It's your stubborn ass. 



Word Count: 935

Short chapter I know. But it just felt right to end it there, anyways how do you feel about Daryls letter to Cherokee? (This is also one of my favorite moments I've ever written)

Was carl right to lock her in her cell?

Thank you for reading, don't forget to leave a vote and comment your thoughts!

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