The punishment

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"you'll regret this" Gray said leaning against a wall trying to catch his breath, he had scratches all over his body but that wouldn't stop him "ice make lance" a circle of lances out of ice appeared out of nowhere and shot towards his enemy, but he deflected them with his mirrors and soon Gray found himself on the floor again "where are they" he managed to say, reffering to the rest of his group.

A smile appeared on his crazed opponents's sown together lips, all hope was lost, he was going to finish off Gray and there was nothing he could do about, he got his sharp, tiny shards of glass ready to send them straight through Gray "Natsu" Gray hoped that calling out his friends name would bring them together, if anyone was to beat that phyco, it was his pink haired friend.

Gray's calling must have worked since soon he arrived "ok, your going down" Natsu shot a fire ball in the direction of the guy he was battling but he missed hitting something else instead, he shot another one hoping that it would hit but once again he failed. The mirror mage shot his mirror shards at Natsu but the pinkette effortlessly burned them in thin air.

"is that all you got" Natsu shouted making his opponent get angry, Natsu didn't see what was coming next so he got knoked to the ground. Gray felt a sudden pang of anger and shot up forgetting about the pain.

"ice make sword" an icey sword appeared in Gray's hand, he charged towards the guy with all the strength he had left in him and attempted to knock him out, the insane enemy pushe Gray to the floor with his bare hands, no magic involve.

Gray groaned in pain as he tried to get to his feet "stay there your hurt" Natsu looked at him with a concerned look on his face and started battling again. The raven haired guy smiled, it was nice to have someone like Natsu, he felt himself heat up at the thought of his name, but then again it could've just been Natsu's flames.

(time skip)

"CAN'T YOU DO ANYTHING WITHOUT DESTROYING EVERYTHING!" Lucy shrieked making her teams ears feel like they were bleeding.

"calm down luce, at least we finished the job" Natsu said.

"the job was to stop the guy from causing chaos, NOT CAUSE EVEN MORE!" Lucy said taking deep breaths to try and calm herself.

"looks like I'm better than you, Gray" the pinkette smirked proudly.

"what makes you say that" Gray wasn't going to let people think that the pink haired freak is better than him.

"Well before I came you getting pretty badly beat up, if it weren't for me you'd be dead... or worse" he replied, the smile was still plastered to his face though inside he felt relieved that his friend was safe and well.

"you only defeated him because I weakened him, flame breath" Grey was losing his temper like he usually does in conversations with Natsu.

"Is that right, ice princess, because I remember you laying on the floor all defenceless" Natsu said get his fire ready in his hand

"Well you must have remembered wrong then" Gray was preparing to fight as well.

"go get him my love" Juvia ran out of the doors of fairy tail to support her beloved.

Natsu was just about to strike when Erza split them up "stop it, you two!" Ezra shouted making the two boys jump up in fear but Erza was the least they had to fear, when they step through the doors they would have to face Makorov's wrath.

"I heard all about your job" Makorov's voice was calm and kind, but everyone was sweating with worriedness.

"wow news really gets round fast" Natsu laughed nervously, hoping that wht they had in store wasn't so bad.

"IT DOES WHEN YOU DESTROY HALF THE CITY!" Makorov's turned from and calm old man into a very angry old man "now what can your punishment be this time" he thought evily watching Lucy shake in fear. "ah ha, you have to organize the new years party"

"WHAT?!" the team shouted in unison, though they all thought it could be worse.

"I didn't do anything though" Lucy whined.

"three heads are better than four" Natsu smiled sticking his thumbs up.

"it's four heads are better than three, you idiot" Gray pushed him into a near by wall, Natsu just laughed and pushed him back playfully. Gray felt something that day, something that he had never felt before but he had a lot on his mind like how they're going to pull off arranging a news year pary in a week.

"ok, we've got 7 days to get this sorted so everyone better do as their told, or else" Erza threatened as she handed everyone a list of things to do, everyone groaned.


hi sorry that there wasn't much gratsu in this first chapter but that will all change as time progresses

:) bye bye

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