iii. welton boys

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"Do you hear that?" Donna asks, looking in the direction of the group of voices. "That can't be from our school, they're coming from all the way over there."

"Welton boys, most likely."

"What are they doing out here?" Vera asked, "I thought you said no one comes out here."

"Well, that wasn't necessarily true but we knew if we didn't say that, you'd be more nervous."

"They don't usually come out here this time of the uear, though, we've only ran into the guys once."

Donna shushed the girls and walked closer, the voices subsided but there were noises in the bushes. She screamed as she bumped into someone and ran backward into Charlotte who giggled and told her to calm down.

"I'm sorry, I--I didn't see you." A blue-eyed boy says, around him were a bunch of other laughing boys, one of which who held a large book in his hands.

"It's okay, she gets scared easy."

"Do not."

"Were you guys going to the cave too?" Amanda asks, looking at each boy, there were about seven of them and she took in the image of each one, thinking up something to set them all apart from one another.

"Yes, but you can join us. We're certainly not in the business of kicking out pretty ladies."

Vera was skeptical of all the boys before them and tugged at Charlotte's arm. "We should go shouldn't we?"

"Vera, these guys are harmless."

Donna joined in quietly as the guys congregated as well opposite of them. "I don't think we should leave, V, these I got a good feelin' from them."

"Well if we get caught with boys--"

"Babe," Donna interrupted, "We aren't gonna get caught. If we do, I've got ya' covered."

After a moment of hesitation and Charlotte assuring her that it'd be alright, Vera sighed and came back together with the guys and motioned to the cave. "We goin' in?"

"Ladies first," the same boy from before says, letting the four girls in and following behind. "So what are your names?"

"What are yours?" Donna asks, subtly playing with her hair out of habit. Since it wasn't often that boys were around, being surrounded by them brought out the more sensual parts of her personality.

The one who did the most speaking obviously spoke up first, Amanda got ringleader vibes from him but Donna was willing to bet the 'leader' was one of the other boys. "Charlie Dalton," he says, kissing the hand of the redhead, making her chuckle and roll her eyes.

"I'm Neil, this is Todd Anderson, Steven Meeks, Gerard Pitts, Knox Overstreet, and Richard Cameron."

"Richard," Donna mumbled quietly to herself, which she did whenever she met a guy named Richard. She noticed him look at her and blushed lightly, thanking the universe that the cave was too dark for them to notice. "Sorry, I know a guy named Richard."

"Nice to meet you guys," Amanda says, visibly distancing herself from the guys who felt just a bit too close for her comfort. "I'm Amanda, friends call me Mandy or Barron but you can call me Amanda. Charlotte Ricci is either Charlie, Lottie, or Charlotte. This ginger princess is Vera Reid and blondie is Donna Watson."

"So are we crashin' a party or somethin'? What are seven boys from Welton doin' here?" Charlotte spoke, watching Neil Perry who was holding the large book. She couldn't make out what it said on the front, if it said anything at all.

"Well, this is the Dead Poets Society," Neil introduced, "Where we, for the past day, have come to express ourselves and, in the great words of Thoreau, suck out all the marrow of life."

"Thoreau?" Vera questioned.

"As in Henry David," Donna responded proudly, receiving a look from the girls. "I know poets."


"So does that make us members of this Dead Poets Society or is it boys only?" Charlotte asks, adding unnecessary emphasis on the last two words.

"If you want to be members then I don't see why not."

Vera let a smile take over her face but still didn't know whether or not she should trust the big group. But she still wanted to stay and see what they were about "So what do we do?"

"Well, Vera, now we read our poetry. I've got an original one just for you," Charlie claims. Vera shakes her head as he begins: "If 'twere fair to suppose that your heart were not taken, that the dew from the rose petals still were not shaken, I should pluck you." Donna crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. "Oh, my dear one, by love, I should take you and make you, the green of my life from the scintillant hour."

"Paul Laurence Dunbar, Suppose."

"Can't pull anything on that one," Knox chuckles, patting Charlie's shoulder.

"Wow, I didn't even know the rest of you had voices," Amanda joked.

"Yeah, they aren't completely used to being in the presence of women as fine as yourselves."

"Charlie Dalton, correct?" Charlotte chimes in, completely unamused by the charismatic boy, "I don't think it would be necessary for you to speak again." He didn't realize she was being completely serious until he tried a move on her as well and ended up silenced by her quickly. She had a wit that could only be rivaled by Amanda and was very easily bothered, some days more than others. The boys would learn it the hard way.

"I've got one," Gerard finally spoke, standing and pulling out a piece of paper. They went one by one reading and rereading poems and they talked amongst one another, getting to know each other better. They kept their distance from the hotheaded girl, though she wasn't necessarily a hothead so much as she was simply irritable for the time being.

The majority silently ruled that they'd be back tomorrow night to hear more from the boys of the Dead Poets Society.

we're getting somewhere babes

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