iv. poetry

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"Donna, what are you writing?" Vera asks, trying to sneak a glance at the paper on which the blonde was steadily writing. Donna gripped the pen and bit her lip, looking over the words she'd written. "A poem?" Vera motioned to the paper and the blonde shrugged, telling her to take it and read it aloud for her to hear. "These poetry boys really made an impression, huh?"

"Well," Donna began, standing up and facing the taller girl, "I'd say they reminded me of something I forgot I really enjoyed." Vera grinned while reading the poem, letting out a laugh at the end, only making Donna nervous. "It's that bad?"

"No, no, it's beautifully written it's just about, y'know..."




"So? Isn't it a little, I don't know..."



Donna sat down on her bed and took the poem from Vera. She read over it twice and remembered, vividly, the moments that inspired it. "Sex is natural, V. Guys get to think about it and talk with each other all the time about sex and we just have to ignore it? There was a point where my whole life was sex and I just have to hide that whole part of my life?"

"You're gonna read it in front of those guys, though?"

"Well, why not? It was meant for the Literature teacher, though. She said she'd consider introducing poetry to the curriculum if I wrote a good poem and made a good point about why poetry is so important to English Lit."

"Just you, huh?"

Donna chuckled, "Well, she said she had a fondness for poetry as well and having a student to be passionate about it would give the board a reason to incorporate it into the curriculum."

"That's really cool that she's actually giving you the power to change it."

"It is isn't it?"

"I love this," Amanda laughed, hugging Donna's poem to her chest, "Donna, you make me wish I'd done it."

"I think it's good you haven't." Donna's words surprised her, though they knew she wasn't supportive of promiscuity, it was still a little surprising she was against someone having sex altogether. "It's rich coming from me, I know, but it's a very big deal. I regretted my first time and still do, I regret every time after too. I thought I loved the guy but I didn't, he was just gorgeous."

"How'd you get into..."

"My mom. She was very into drugs and she was a call girl, there were always men coming in and out," Donna explained, now firmly holding the girls' attention. They knew they were in store for something sort of heartbreaking. "One day she gave me a bunch of cash and said I could get whatever I wanted, this was when I thought she liked me, and I knew what she was doing by the time I was ten but my boobs didn't really come in until I was fourteen.

"Once they did, I dyed my hair bright bright blonde like Marilyn Monroe and started wearing lots of makeup and my mom's heels and clothes. I was able to lie about my age and then I was in. Making plenty a night but I saved it all, never ever ever let my mom find it. She still hasn't."

"How do you know?"

"Because I gave it to my best friend in the whole world and she's still a good person, living with her parents, and it's hidden in her floor. She's never used it and she won't even when I tell her to."

Charlotte could feel Donna's spirit wavering. Talking about the heavy parts of who she was was never an easy task for the girl, that's why she rarely did. That was another reason why her poem was so important to her. "You're lucky to have a friend like that."

"I really am, sometimes I wondered why she tolerated me at all."

"Maybe because you're a great person," Vera pointed out, "Because in everything you've been through you still manage to have faith in the world."

"And because you are very passionate," Barron added.

"Okay, okay, stop complimenting me before I start believing you."

They laughed together and gave Donna a little group hug just to add to the feelings of the moment. "Please tell us what she thinks of your poem because I'm really looking forward to it."

"Well first, we're gonna see what those Welton Academy guys think."

"You're showing it to them?"

She chuckled and gave a coy nod, slightly blushing, "It may sound ridiculous but I kinda have them to thank for this."

"Understood, let's do it."

i haven't updated this in forever but i have good ideas
i have to confide in someone about my ideas for this, do i have any takers?
thanks for reading

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