Lucky Star (Part Six)

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After a bit of compromising, I finally convinced my mom to let me go to Chris's show. I put on a black t-shirt with the Batman symbol on and some shorts. I made sure to have my ticket, camera, wallet, and cell phone all in my handbag. I looked in the mirror to make sure my make up was presentable. I was so unbelievably excited to finally get a chance to see Chris perform. "Ready Sweetie?" my mom called. "Yup!" I replied, exiting my room and heading toward the front door. Fifteen minutes later, we arrived outside of The Renewal. I planned on meeting up with Dian , after I practically begged on my knees that she accompany to tonight's show. I soon spotted her by the door after bidding my mom a goodbye. I rushed up and hugged her. "Thank you soo much for coming. I owe you big time," I said. She laughed,"oh yes you do. Oh hey, there is he is!" I turned to see Chris and his band carrying their instruments into the building. "You should go talk to him!!" Diane insisted. "Really? You think I should?" She rolled her eyes,"Just go!" "Well, do I look okay? How's my hair?" Instead of answering me, she pushed me towards their direction. You gotta love her. "Ashley! You made it!" Chris exclaimed, spotting me. "Of course! I wouldn't have missed it," I said. He smiled,"Sweet. Hey, you should head inside and grab a good seat. We're gonna go on pretty soon." I nodded,"Break a leg!" I headed back to a grinning Diane. I grabbed her wrist and dragged her inside with me as we sat in a couple of chairs by the stage. "Welcome to the Renewal everyone! The first and very familiar band to perform tonight is The Ripple Effect, let's give them a warm welcome!" The crowd cheered as the four band member took their positions. The singer/lead guitarist, who I knew by the name of Alex, stepped up to the microphone and grinned at the audience. "Thank you, thank you. How are you guys doing tonight?" More cheers. "Alright, well this first song we're going to perform is probably one of our most well known on myspace. I hope you enjoy it." The guitarist started playing the intro. I looked over at Chris who was sitting by his drum set, waiting for his que. Soon enough the whole band joined in as the music blasted through the speakers. I felt the adrenaline pumping through my veins as I watched them perform. The song, I had to admit, was pretty good and Chris' amazing drumming skills took me by surprise. I was definitely impressed. They then played a couple of more songs before stopping to let the next band go on. There was a ten minute period in between to allow the next group to set up so everyone just hung out, chatting with friends, getting some coffee, etc. "That was so cool!!!" I exclaimed. "I know! I didn't expect for them to be so good!," Diane commented. "Yeah," I agreed,"I didn't know Chris was that good at drums. I mean he was amazing." Before she had a chance to comment on my remark a voice came up behind me and say, "I'm glad you thought so." I turned to see Chris standing there, grinning. I blushed a bit,"No big deal, haha. But I really liked it." "Thanks." "Oh, Chris. This is my friend Dia-" I turned to introduce her to Chris, only to find that she had disappeared. "Well, she was here a minute ago," I said scratching my head. He laughed,"It's fine. Are you sticking around to watch the next group?" I shrugged,"are they any good?" "I'd think so. But then compared to us they're about average," he said grinning. I laughed,"so conceited." "I'm not conceited! Just over-confident." I smiled at him. The night progressed as the next couple of bands performed. I had to agree with Chris. I thought the Ripple Effect did a much better job. (From a very unbiased view. I swear.) I finally got to introduce Chris to Diane, who slyly left to use the restroom earlier. I also got a chance to meet the member of Chris' band, whom I found to be very funny and outgoing. Much like Chris. (Only not as cool. ) After the last song was played everyone again migrated all around the big room. Even Diane found some common ground with Aaron, the bass player. "Hey Chris, I think I'm gonna head outside. My mom's gonna pick me up in like fifteen minutes." I told him as I put on my jacket. "That's cool. I'll go wait with you," he offered. "Oh, that's really sweet. You don't have to though," I said, politely. "Don't worry about it. It's dark outside, I don't want you waiting by yourself." I felt like screaming with happiness. I nodded,"Okay then, thanks." I waved a goodbye to Diane as the two of us headed out the exit. "Hey listen, thanks again for coming out tonight," he said. I shook my head,"Don't mention it. I had an awesome time." "Good. I'm glad you enjoyed it."

I laughed,"You keep saying that." I felt his hand make contact with my chin as he tilted my head upward. "That's only because I really mean it," he said in a slightly serious tone. I looked up, meeting his eyes. He had this strange look upon his face as he looked at me. It wasn't a creepy kind of strange. Just kind of like,"I wonder what he's thinking of" strange. "Chris?" Not bothering to respond, he leaned in. I couldn't believe what was happening. My first kiss. Here? Tonight? With Chris? I pushed those thoughts away, deciding to just dwell in the moment. I mean. How could you not have? I closed my eyes, anticipating what was to come. Feeling his face, only but a few centimeter away from mine, I leaned in as well. As soon as I felt the heat upon his lips near mine... I felt my cellphone vibrate in the pocket of my jacket. We both stopped abruptly as I pulled it out. "Not now...." I cursed eyeing the word "Mom" on the screen. "Hello? Yeah, okay. I'll be there soon. Bye." I looked at Chris,"I'm so sorry. I need to-" "Don't sweat it," he said smiling,"I'll see you at school okay?" I nodded, feeling myself dying a bit inside. I was about to turn around and leave but he stopped me. "I forgot to give you this," he said. "Give me wha-" Before I could finish Chris kissed my lips. "I'll see you Monday, Ash," he said as he left to go back inside the Renewal, leaving me wide eyed and my jaw dropped to the floor. I spent the remainder of the weekend in denial.

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