Lucky Star (Part Four)

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"Do you feel it in the air?" my teacher asked the class.

"Oh you feel it too Mr. Hunter?" the smart alec in the back commented.

"Not with you, loser," Mr. Hunter retaliated.

"Ohhhhh" the class cooed.

I laughed at the scene, loving this class even more.

"As I was saying, I think it's time for a group project," he stated.

The four of us looked at each other, already knowing our group.

Mr. Hunter went on to explain the requirements for the project and what each group would be doing. This was going to be worth most of our second semester grade, so we'd have to meet on weekends and stuff. We agreed to meet up on Saturday at my house and distributed jobs and who would get what. I was pretty excited. Probably the most excited I've ever been for a class project.

Saturday soon arrived as I set out pizza, plates, cookies and soda for the four of us. My mom had also put out fruit, wanting me to be a little bit more healthy. I grabbed a chocolate chip cookie and took a bite, waiting for the doorbell to ring. I felt a nudge at my knee as I was greeted by our Australian Shepherd. I smiled,placing my cookie on a plate, and knelt down to play with him.

"Aww, Ruffles..." I said as he rolled on his back, wanting more attention.

*Ding Dong*

"Finally," I sighed, standing back up.

Followed closely by Ruffles, I approached the door and peered through the peep hole. It was Chris, in his light blue t-shirt and tight jeans. I opened the door and greeted him.

"Hey Chris!"

"Hey Ashley. Woah, I didn't know you had a dog," he said bending down and petting Ruffles on the head.

I laughed,"Well now you do."

He looked up and smiled at me. I felt shivers run down my spine. What was that?

"Are Annie and Craig here yet?" he asked.

I shook my head,"Nope, you're the first one."


The two of us entered the den and sat down on the couch, talking. He told me about him goofing off with his friends the night before at a place called The Point.

"Isn't that place...haunted?" I asked, then realizing how stupid that sounded.

He laughed,"I don't think so. A lot of stoners hang there though. But that's pretty much it."

I wrinkled my nose,"You don't smoke do you?"

Chris shook his head,"No way. I am ABOVE the influence. I know people that do though."


"Haha, you should check out the Point some time. It's actually pretty cool up there. There's this abandoned house with all this cool stuff in it."

It was fun watching him talk about the point. He was so into it, you could just feel it in his expression and his voice.

"The house part makes it sound scary. I'd probably be too scared to move." I admitted.

"Trust me. It's pretty cool. I'll take you one day," he offered.

My eyes widened,"Really? Hmmm..."

"I'll hold your hand if it helps," he added.

"Promise?" I asked.

"Pinky swear," he declared, holding out his fist, pinky sticking out.

I laughed as I hooked my pinky with his.

Soon enough, Annie and Craig had arrived as we all sat at random areas, discussing our project. We planned to go to the park later to film a sketch. We were soon in the mood for pizza as I led them to the kitchen. I started warming up two slices in the toaster oven.

"Don't warm up mine, I like it cold," Craig commented.

"Same here," Chris added.

I raised my eyebrow,"Cold pizza? That ruins it. I'm warming them up anyways."

"Kill joy," Craig mumbled.

Annie then joined in,"We're still warming them up whether you like it or not."

I smiled at my partner, shifting my eyes back on the boys,"And if you touch one of the cold pizzas, that's a no-no."

While waiting for the pizzas to heat up I went back to the den and went on the computer. Chris then entered the room with a plate of pizza. Oh no he didn't.

"Chris," I said narrowing my eyes.

He grinned,"Yes?"

"Did you do a no-no?" I asked.

"Hehe," he said taking a bite of his cold pizza.

I stuck my tongue out at him and poked him on the side. He jumped a little as I smirked.

"Hah! You're ticklish!"

I poked him again but he didn't do anything. I kept trying to poke him, getting him to jump again. But nothing happened.

I made a face,"Jerk."

He laughed at me,"Forgive me, Ashley."

"I don't know, Chris...first the no-no and now this."

"But I thought we were best friends!" he declared.

I laughed, as I thought back to the first day of school.

"Fine Chris. But only because you're my best friend."


The afternoon went on as we worked on the first part of our video and a couple of posters. Soon enough, it was almost five and they had to leave. I was seeing Chris to the front door as he turned to me.

"Thanks for everything," he said sincerely.

I smiled,"You're welcome. Thanks for letting me warm up your third pizza."

He laughed,"No problem, best friend. Oh hey, I was wondering, would you like to have lunch with me on Monday?"

I almost choked,"Monday? Uh, yeah. Sure!"

"Great, I'll meet you by the cougar statue, then?"

I nodded, smiling,"Okay! Bye Chris."

"Later, Ash." he said before walking off to his car.

I closed the door, still in a state of shock. I ran to my room and, jumped on my bed and picked up my phone. I quickly dialed Diane's number.

I talked to about everything that happened that afternoon, even the small details.

"It's soo obvious that he's into you! And you're into him too! Ahh, you lucky girl, you never notice huh?" She suggested.

I thought about it,"You really think so?"

"Girl, I know so. Guys wouldn't just ask ANY girl to have lunch with him AND invite her to somewhere like the point. He obviously wants to spend some alone time with you." that so?

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